• 兵马俑颜色大起底

    22-08-17 1. The statues of the infantry soldiers range between 5 foot 8 inches and 6 foot 2 inches; the commanders are 6 and half feet tall. 兵马俑步兵俑高在5英尺8英寸到6英尺2英寸间,司令官高度为6.5英尺。 2. Terracotta Figures were found to be painted in red...

  • 挪威现役军人在服完兵役后要交回内衣袜子清洗后重复使用

    22-01-21 据美联社报道,因新冠疫情冲击供应链,挪威军队出现制式内衣库存不足的问题。挪威要求现役军人在服完兵役后交回内衣,包括胸罩和袜子,以便清洗后给下一批入伍新兵重复使用。 Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after...

  • lose concentration 开小差

    21-11-16 开小差,原指军人脱离队伍私自逃跑(to leave the armed forces without permission and with no intention of returning)。 开小差,当逃兵可以用desert,这个单词除了有沙漠,荒漠的意思之外,还可以表示擅离(部队)。 现在常用来比喻做事不专心,思想不集中,英文...

  • 圣诞节休战

    21-02-28 It happened 100 years ago this week: tired young men jumped out of their muddy trenches on the Western Front of the First World War and fraternised with the enemy. Soldiers exchanged small gifts and some even played football together in no-mans-land...