• to the letter 一字不差的严格执行

    21-08-19 短语 to the letter 的意思是一字不差的严格执行或遵守规定。 例句 The soldier obeyed his commanders orders to the letter - and it cost him his life. Ill give you my special cake recipe but if you want it to turn out well, you must follow it to the lett...

  • 新一任美国队长亮相

    21-04-27 近日漫威剧集《猎鹰与冬兵》迎来了大结局,安东尼麦凯饰演的猎鹰山姆威尔逊拿起盾牌成为了新一任美国队长。据外媒报道,麦凯将会在《美国队长4》中以美国队长的身份首次亮相。 Marvel movie fans know hanging around after a film or shows end credits usually rewar...

  • Who is talking

    13-12-12 An army general telephoned to his unit in another place wanting to speak to someone. He said, Hello! There was a soldier, playing like a sergeant or something, at the other end of the line. He didn't recognize the voice of the high general commander...

  • The soldier and his horse

    13-09-25 A soldier gave his horse a plentiful supply of oats(燕麦) in time of war, and tended him with the utmost care, for he wished him to be strong to endure the hardships of the field, and swift to bear his master, when need arose, out of the reach of...

  • The Devil's Sooty Brother

    13-09-04 A disbanded soldier had nothing to live on, and did not know how to get on. So he went out into the forest and when he had walked for a short time, he met a little man who was, however, the Devil. The little man said to him, What ails you, you seem...

  • 美士兵屠杀16阿富汗平民 被判终生监禁

    13-08-24 The US soldier who murdered 16 Afghan villagers last year has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 杀害16名阿富汗村民的美国士兵被判终生监禁,不得假释。 Staff Sgt Robert Bales, 40, opened fire on men, children and women...

  • Bearskin

    13-08-19 There was once a young fellow who enlisted as a soldier, conducted himself bravely, and was always the foremost(最先的) when it rained bullets. So long as the war lasted, all went well, but when peace was made, he received his dismissal, and the c...

  • The Blue Light

    13-08-08 There was once on a time a soldier who for many years had served the King faithfully, but when the war came to an end could serve no longer because of the many wounds which he had received. The King said to him, Thou mayst return to thy home, I need...

  • 苏联老兵在阿富汗失踪33年被发现

    13-03-06 A Soviet soldier who went missing in Afghanistan nearly 33 years ago has been found living with Afghans in the western province of Herat. 一名在阿富汗失踪近33年的苏联士兵在西部赫拉特省被发现。 Bakhretdin Khakimov is now known as Sheikh Abdullah The...

  • 《惊杀大阴谋》五

    13-01-09 片段对白 Frederick Aiken: I'm here to see Secretary Stanton, boys. Man: Stand down . Sorry, sir. Mr. Stanton doesn't see anyone without an appointment. Joseph Holt: Well, good morning, Mr. Aiken. Frederick Aiken: Morning. Joseph Holt: Perhaps I can...