• amphibious officials 两栖干部

    15-07-21 The Beijing local government is taking measures to clean up the so-called amphibious officials , retired or serving officials who hold posts in social organizations and make money by taking advantage of their current or previous official status and...

  • 平板电脑可对新生儿大脑产生更多刺激

    15-06-19 Babies should be given iPads as soon as they are born to help them learn, according to scientists. 科学家称,孩子一出生,就应该给他们iPad,以帮助他们学习。 New research by the University of London found that using tablets provides more stimulation f...

  • 聊八卦有可能延长寿命

    15-06-19 Scientists have found that crafty chats - dubbed 'gossip theory' - are what makes us human, and may even help us live longer. 科学家发现,狡诈的闲聊称之为八卦理论成为人类独有特点,甚至有可能延长寿命。 Gossip is what sets our species apart, as it hel...

  • 猫釉有独特的方法避免近亲繁殖

    15-06-13 Researchers studying banded mongooses in Uganda have discovered that these small mammals are able to discriminate between relatives and non-relatives to avoid inbreeding even when mating within their own closely related social group. Inbreeding can...

  • 社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区

    15-05-08 One in seven married individuals have considered divorce because of their spouse's postings of Facebook or other online sites, according to research. 根据研究,七分之一的已婚人士曾因配偶发在脸书或其他网站上的帖子考虑过离婚。 A similar proportion adm...

  • 澳大利亚女子晒娃"引起公愤"

    15-04-30 Proud parents bragging about their little darling's every move on Facebook is a regular annoyance for many people using the social network. 自豪的父母们在脸书上炫耀小宝宝的点滴进步是常常令社交网络用户们反感的事。 But one Australian woman got so sick...

  • 更好的社交媒体技术能提高用户兴趣

    15-04-23 Due to the ever-increasing number of people using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, businesses and organizations, such as professional sports teams, are expanding their marketing and communication efforts to engage people with their b...

  • 想更好地了解别人 让他们发笑

    15-04-10 A great way to get to know someone better is to say something that makes them laugh. 想要更好地了解别人,一个好办法就是说些能让他们发笑的事。 Sharing a few good giggles and chuckles makes people more willing to tell others something personal about t...

  • 社交媒体对青少年的影响不同于成人

    15-03-18 For every parent who ever wondered what the heck their teens were thinking when they posted risky information or pictures on social media, a team of Penn State researchers suggests that they were not really thinking at all, or at least were not thin...

  • 关于养老保险的词汇

    15-03-04 我国的养老保险体系包括以下三部分:城镇居民社会养老保险social endowment insurance system for non-working urban residents 城镇职工养老保险体系endowment insurance system for the urban working group 新型农村社会养老保险制度new social endowment insurance...