• 英语中后缀的运用

    22-10-24 英语中单词的后缀能改变一个词的词性,从动词变成名词,或组成形容词。你能掌握后缀的用法吗? 1. What is the noun that comes from the verb enjoy? a) enjoyment b) enjoyable c) joyful d) enjoyity 2. I work for a very __________ business which is expanding...

  • rise to the occasion 随机应变

    22-09-08 随机应变,汉语成语,意思是随着时机、情况的变化而灵活地对待。比喻人处事机敏灵活。可以翻译为rise to the occasion,act according to the changing situation等。 例句: 他很机智,完全可以随机应变。 He is resourceful enough to rise to the occasion....

  • zero-sum game 零和博弈

    22-08-02 zero-sum game Meaning: A zero-sum game is a situation in which any gain by one side or person is at the expense of a loss to another side or person involved in the situation. 中文解析:零和博弈又称零和游戏(zero-sum game),与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论...

  • changeable 千变万化

    22-07-04 千变万化,汉语成语,意思是变化纷繁,无穷无...

  • 如何表达各种无奈

    22-06-22 1. Beyond Beyond这个词传递着一种高高在上的超越感,但它的另一层含义是要表达没可能和搞不定。 例: The situation is beyond our control. 我们无力掌控这种局面。 I think its beyond hope. 我看这事儿没戏了。 2. One of those things 就是那些事儿,你还不知道吗...

  • 妮可·基德曼的演艺生涯 下

    22-04-15 I mean, thats what you do as an actor. 这是作为演员应该做的。 I dont like focusing on the hair and the makeup and all of those things, because I still believe in the mystery of the performance. 我不喜欢把注意力放在发型、化妆和所有这些东西上,因为我...

  • win-win 双赢,各方受益

    22-03-30 合成形容词 win-win 的意思是 双赢的,各方受益的,用来谈论没有人会输,各得其所的情况。Win-win 后面可以搭配名词 situation(情况) 等使用。 例句 This deal means that we can work overtime and receive more money. Its a win-win deal for both the workers an...

  • be in a very difficult situation 寸步难行

    22-02-22 寸步难行,汉语成语,意思是连一步都难以进行,形容走路困难;也比喻处境艰难。可以翻译为be in a very difficult situation,cannot move a single step等。 例句: 我们在一大堆人里寸步难行。 We can hardly move in the huge crowd. 如果你没有钱,就寸步难行。 If...

  • chime in 表示插话(通常表示赞同);附和

    22-02-09 chime的本意是(铃或钟)敲,鸣,响,chime in多表示插话(通常表示赞同);附和。 Andy chimed in with his view of the situation. 安迪插进话来,谈了自己对形势的看法。...

  • on the rocks 岌岌可危

    21-12-29 岌岌可危,汉语成语,意思是非常危险,快要倾覆或灭亡。可以翻译为in imminent/impending danger, in a precarious situation等。与英文习语on the rocks意思相近,表示(of a relationship or enterprise) experiencing difficulties and likely to fail。 例句: 病...