• however、whereas和otherwise

    21-09-14 首先,我来介绍 however,因为相比之下,however 的用法最多。However 可以用来对比或反驳一个想法,表示 但是,然而。它可以放在第二句话的开头,后面跟一个逗号,也可以夹在句子的两个部分中间,在这种情况下,however 的前后都需要使用逗号。来听两个例句。 Example...

  • to bite someone's head off 严厉斥责、大发脾气

    21-08-16 To bite someones head off 的意思是对某人严厉斥责、大发脾气,而且往往是在对方没有准备的情况下。 例句 Im very sorry I lost my temper, I didnt mean to bite your head off. Dont bite my head off, it wasnt my fault, I was just explaining the situation. 请...

  • catch-22 进退两难的状况

    21-07-16 《第二十二条军规 Catch-22》是一本英文名著,现在,书名 Catch-22 被收入字典,意思是进退两难,左右为难的状况。人们常用这个短语来形容那些因为互相抵触的规律或条件,所造成的无法脱身的困窘,或者不合逻辑的、矛盾的问题。例如:一个没有工作经验的大学生求职,但...

  • 上网自诊可靠吗?

    21-02-24 随着网络的发展和智能手机的大面积普及,我们当中的很多人在遇到医学问题时会立即拿起手机上网找答案。可是网络上找到的答案一定都是正确的吗?这种上网自诊的行为可靠吗? How are you feeling today? Ive got a few aches and pains, but nothing serious. However,...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 17

    21-02-24 On the other side of the house Buck found the mistress of the ranch and her two guests standing in a little group beside one of the dusty, discouraged-looking flower-beds. As he appeared they all glanced toward him, and a troubled, almost frightened...

  • in one's element 得心应手

    21-01-12 得心应手,汉语成语,意思是心里怎样想,手里就能怎样做(what the heart wishes ones hands accomplish)。比喻技艺纯熟,心手相应,可以翻译为with facility,with high proficiency。与英文俗语in ones element意思相近,表示in a place or situation where one is...

  • add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

    21-01-06 火上浇油,汉语成语,同火上加油。意思是往火上倒油(pour oil on the flames ),比喻使别人更加愤怒,使事态更加严重。可以翻译为add fuel to the fire;aggravate the situation,make the situation worse。 例句: 别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。 Dont tell he...

  • suit the remedy to the case 对症下药

    20-02-11 对症下药,汉语成语,意思是医生针对患者病症用药(apply medicine according to indications)。常用来比喻针对事物的问题所在,采取有效的措施,可以翻译为suit the remedy to the case,find specific ways (to solve problems)。 我们迫切需要采用对症下药的战略。...

  • social chameleon 社交变色龙

    16-05-04 A social chameleon is an individual who has the ability to enter social situations and blend in by adopting or mimicking the social norms displayed by the other participants in the situation. 社交变色龙指在某个社会环境中能够通过吸收或模仿其他参与者...

  • name ambush 偶遇熟人却想不起名字

    16-02-23 Name ambush describes the situation when an acquaintance you haven't seen for a long time comes across and greets you by name but you cannot remember their name at that moment. You know this is embarrassing, but you can do nothing about it. Name amb...