• all-singing, all-dancing 技术先进,功能齐全的

    21-07-06 英语表达all-singing, all-dancing 载歌载舞源自音乐歌舞片《百老汇之歌》(The Broadway Melody),这部电影在1929年上映时的宣传语是全对话,全歌舞片 all talking, all singing, all dancing。自那以来,人们就开始用短语all-singing, all-dancing来指表演饱含热情...

  • 曲高和寡

    14-09-24 A person of the state of Chu was singing loud in the capital city. At first he sang Xia li ,and Ba ren, thousands of people joined him in sing. When he came to A yang Jiu lu, there were still several hundreds people who joined in the sing. Then he s...

  • A Bird and a Bat

    13-10-24 A bird is in a cage outside a window. She often sings at night when all other birds are asleep. One night a bat comes. He asks the bird, Why do you only sing at night? The bird says, Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard...

  • “会唱歌的老鼠”通过叫声保护领地

    13-09-27 Two species of tawny(黄褐色) brown singing mice that live deep in the mountain cloud forests of Costa Rica and Panama set their boundaries by emitting high-pitched trills, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered. Although...

  • 唱歌也有健身功效

    13-07-14 瑞典哥德堡大学最新的研究发现,一旦同一个合唱团的成员们心跳变得同步,他们的身心就会更加平静,这跟瑜伽的健身效果很相似。该研究的负责人表示,唱歌需要有规律有控制的呼吸,因为唱的时候需要吐气,在乐句的间隙又要吸气,这种呼吸方式跟瑜伽一样,能帮助人放松下...

  • Keep on Singing

    12-01-12 Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, night a...

  • 唱歌可能使受损的大脑重新工作

    10-02-22 Teaching stroke patients to sing rewires their brains, helping them recover their speech, say scientists. 科学家称,教中风病人唱歌可以使他们的大脑重新接线,帮助他们恢复语言能力。 By singing, patients use a different area of the brain from the area i...
