• 梁上君子

    15-08-27 One year in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a serious famine in Henan. One night, a thief sneaked into Chen Shi's house and hid himself on the beam. When Chen Shi was aware of this, he got out of bed without haste, called his children and grandch...

  • 中国投资3.5亿发展新疆旅游业

    15-07-21 China will spend 350 million yuan, or some 56 million U.S. dollars, on tourism development in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region before 2020. 中国将在2020年之前投资3.5亿元人民币(5600万美元)发展新疆维吾尔自治区旅游业。 China's National Tourism Admini...

  • 蜘蛛在水面爬行时用蛛丝做锚

    15-07-07 Spiders travel across water like ships, using their legs as sails and their silk as an anchor, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. The study helps explain how spiders are able to migrate across vast d...

  • 一些来自于中国的词汇

    15-05-12 Silk 丝绸 Pronounced si in Mandarin. The word was first introduced to Western culture by smugglers who took silk worms and mulberry leaves out of China in 552 Common Era (CE). 在中文里的读音为:si。这个词语第一次引入到西方是公元552年走私者将蚕、桑叶...

  • Silk Road fund 丝路基金

    15-04-22 President Xi Jinping said on Saturday that China will contribute $40 billion to set up a Silk Road fund that will boost infrastructure and resource development while improving industrial and financial cooperation along the centuries-old Silk Road tr...

  • One Belt and One Road 一带一路

    15-04-22 We should prepare timetables and road maps for the coming years for the ' One Belt and One Road ' project, Xi said when presiding over the eighth meeting of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs on Tuesday. 国家主席习近平本周二...

  • 中国开启丝绸之路旅游年

    15-01-09 Silk Road Tourism Year has begun in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province. 中国西北部省区陕西省省会西安开启丝绸之路旅游年。 A map of the ancient Silk Road The year-long campaign is being held to attract more visitors on the ancient Si...

  • 自出机杼

    14-11-05 Wan Dan heard of his friend's death, and went to express his condolence with a heavy heart. Many people came and went, and it was crowded in the friend's house, the celebrated knight-errant, Chen Zun, was also among the condolence procession, as he...

  • 蜘蛛丝的形成过程

    14-08-06 Spider silk is an impressive material; lightweight and stretchy yet stronger than steel. But the challenge that spiders face to produce this substance is even more formidable(强大的) . Silk proteins, called spidroins, must convert from a soluble f...

  • Lord and Chariot

    14-06-23 Lord and Chariot Rickey Laurentiis I say the dead done caught me in a special knot and lured, and dragged me to the interior. I say his face is strange here, a moment cruel but not without its silk, its earned sadness. He asks me to touch it, so I t...