• 各种标点符号的说法 1

    16-07-21 + : plus 加号;正号 1+1读作:one plus one - : minus; negative 减号;负号 2-1读作:two minus one -3读作:minus three或negative three 2-(-3)读作:two minus negative three : plus-minus sign 正负号 1 读作:plus or minus one : multiplied by ; times 乘号...

  • 中国将规范符号语言与盲文

    15-12-30 The government is to map out official standards for sign languages and braille to be used nationwide within the next five years. 中国政府将要制定符号语言与盲文的官方标准,该标准将于未来五年内全国推广。 China has more than 30 million people with hear...

  • 美国文化中V形手势的三个含义

    15-04-10 The palm-forward V sign, formed by raising and spreading the first two fingers, has three different meanings in American culture. 掌心向外, 竖起食指和中指, 并向两边展开, 这样就构成了一个V形手势。V形手势在美国文化中有三个不同的含义。 The most popular...

  • 推进路牌标语翻译规范化

    15-03-22 The government has been urged to standardize the translation of public signs and notices, Xinhua reported on Wednesday. 据新华社报道,政府正大力推进路牌、公示语翻译的规范化。 CPPCC member Tang Jin, a national political adviser from central Hubei pro...

  • The Psychiatrist and Proctologist

    14-12-30 Two doctors, a psychiatrist and a proctologist, opened an office in a small town and put up a sign reading: Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors. The town council was not happy with the sign, so the doctors changed it to read, Schizoids...

  • 《缘分天注定》四

    13-08-14 精彩对白 Jonathan: It's a bridal shop . Dean: Oh, my God. The irony . Wait right here. I'll be right back. Jonathan: Why? Dean: Stay here. Jonathan: Time, please? Man: Uh, about 7:30. Jonathan: Right. Right. Dean: They moved downtown. If we get luck...

  • 美国流浪汉新颖乞讨标语走红网络

    11-05-28 Begging on the streets is a competitive business, it seems. But this homeless man is leading the way in innovation with a specially made sign that switches between messages appealing for change. 沿街乞讨竞争也很激烈,但美国一位流浪汉却用一种独特的办...

  • 奥斯比次集中营标语盗窃者正接受审讯

    09-12-22 The Arbeit macht frei sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men are being questioned by police. 波兰南部城市奥斯比次失窃的劳动创造自由标语在波兰北部被发现,五名嫌疑犯正在接受警方审讯。 The sign has been r...

  • 波兰警方追回失窃的奥许维次门标语

    09-12-21 The Arbeit macht frei sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men have been arrested, police say. 波兰警方称,波兰南部城市奥许维次被盗的劳动创造自由标志在北部某地被发现,五名嫌疑犯已被逮捕。 Hundreds of tho...

  • More signs of US economic growth 美国经济复苏迹象明显

    09-08-27 US durable goods orders and new home sales both soared last month, the latest positive indications of the state of the world's largest economy. 上个月美国耐用品消费情况良好、新房销售增加,表明世界上最大经济国状况良好。 Orders for goods expected to l...