10-05-20 A North Korean submarine's torpedo sank a South Korean navy ship on 26 March causing the loss of 46 sailors, an international report has found. 一项国际报道称,3月26日韩国一艘战舰沉没是朝鲜一艘潜艇的鱼雷导致,此次事故造成韩国46名海员丧生。 The Cheon...
10-05-19 A Somali man has pleaded guilty in New York's court to seizing a US ship and kidnapping its captain last year. 一名索马里男子在纽约某法庭审理中服罪,他曾在去年截获一艘美国船只并绑架了船长。 The Maersk Alabama was carrying aid bound for Somalia when...
10-04-15 The South Korean navy has begun to raise the stern section of one of its warships which sank after an unexplained explosion last month. 韩国海军将上个月意外爆炸沉没的军舰船尾打捞出海面。 The Cheonan sank in mysterious circumstances Fifty-eight sailo...
10-04-08 South Korea says a super-tanker hijacked by pirates in the Indian Ocean has anchored about 7km (four miles) off the coast of Somalia. 韩国政府称,印度洋海域被海盗劫持的一艘超级油轮在索马里海域7公里处抛锚。 Piracy has made Somali waters among the wor...
10-03-31 A South Korean military diver searching for survivors from a navy ship that sank off North Korea has died. 一位韩国军事潜水员在搜寻上周五爆炸沉没军舰上生还者的过程中意外死亡。 Teams of divers and salvage crews have been searching for survivors The d...
09-12-29 Somali pirates have released a Singapore-flagged container ship that had been held for nearly 10 weeks, an EU naval force in the area says. 索马里海盗释放一艘挂着新加坡国旗的货柜船,据悉该船已被劫持将近10周。 The Kota Wajar had been held off the Som...
09-12-18 A major rescue operation is under way after a ship carrying 83 passengers and crew and a cargo of livestock sank off the north Lebanese coast in a storm. 一艘载有83名乘客、船员以及一船牲畜的轮船在黎巴嫩北部海域遭遇暴风而沉没,一项大型搜救活动正在进...
09-11-10 There has been a clash between ships from the rival navies of North and South Korea, military officials in Seoul say. 首尔军事官员称,朝鲜、韩国双方海军军舰发生一起冲突事件。 A South Korean warship fired a shot at a North Korean vessel which crossed...
09-08-18 Russia says it has found a missing cargo vessel near the Cape Verde islands and retrieved its Russian crew. 俄罗斯称已经在佛得角群岛附近找到丢失的载货船并寻回船员。 The Arctic Sea went missing in mysterious circumstances last month Defence Minister...
09-08-15 A missing merchant ship with 15 Russian crew members on board has been spotted off the coast of West Africa, unconfirmed reports say. 未经证实的报道称,一艘消失的载有15名俄国船员的商船在西非海域被发现。 The Arctic Sea went missing in mysterious circ...