• settle down 落地生根

    22-03-22 落地生根,汉语成语,字面意思是reach the ground and take root,比喻长期安家落户。可以翻译为settle down等。 例句: 在农村落地生根 Settle down in the countryside 想在异国他乡落地生根可不是件容易的事。 Its difficult to settle down in a foreign land....

  • 将就

    22-03-11 1. Settle for Settle有解决、定居之意,而settle for则意指将就,勉强接受。 例:She is a perfectionist who wont settle for anything mediocre. 她是个完美主义者,根本不愿接受任何普普通通的东西。 2. Make do (with sth) 达不到太完美就只能凑合了,make do (wi...

  • 搞定了

    21-12-29 每当完成一个特别特别难搞定的任务之后,都会非常有成就感。这种喜悦可能堪比中了十万彩票。 那么在英语里,搞定了要怎么说呢? 我们可以用nail这个词,nail[nel]本身是把...钉牢的意思,但是在口语中,nailed it有搞定了的含义。 例:I nailed it. 我搞定了。 此外,...

  • bring up old scores again 翻旧账

    21-11-16 翻旧账,字面意思是check accounts,原指在固定的一段时期对于账本中记载的各项账目进行比对,看账目是否有出入。 现在用来比喻把过去的矛盾、嫌隙等重提出来(rake up something unpleasant or embarrassing that happened in the past),英文可以翻译为bring up old...

  • settle down 安顿下来

    21-04-28 有人享受各处奔波的乐趣,而有的人则渴望安定。搭配 settle down 的常用意思包括 适应新环境,安顿下来;它还可以用来表示 和伴侣一起安定下来,定居某处。在交流中,可以根据自己想表达的具体意思,灵活运用。 例句 My son used to go out and party all the time. It...

  • Settle down and settle up 一字之差

    14-08-21 When my brother, a notorious spender, came home for a visit, he told my father he was going to get married and settle down. Dad said, Why don't you stay single and settle up. 我的哥哥是个有名的挥霍者。他回家来时,告诉父亲说他要结婚了,要安定下来。父...
