• The Secret of Life

    12-12-25 As the Lord God was creating the world he called upon his archangels(大天使). The Lord asked his archangels to help him decide where to put the Secret of Life. Bury it in the ground, one angel replied. Hide it in the mountains, another suggested....

  • 《绿灯侠》三

    12-11-16 影片对白 Hal: Okay, all right. Place the ring, then speak the oath. The oath. Because everybody knows the oath. Used to sing it in camp. I, Hal Jordan...do solemnly swear...to pledge allegiance ...to a lantern...that I got from a dying purple alien....

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 9

    11-05-26 Phebe's Secret Why do you keep smiling to yourself, Phebe? asked Rose, as they were working together one morning, for Dr. Alec considered house-work the best sort of gymnastics for girls; so Rose took lessons of Phebe in sweeping, dusting and bed-ma...

  • Secret For a Long Life

    09-09-29 A woman walks up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. I couldn't help noticing how happy you look, she says. What's your secret for a long, happy life? I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and ne...

  • Women 'cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours' 调查:

    09-09-27 A woman is telling her friend a secret. The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study suggests. The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study suggests. Researchers found that women are ov...

  • Eel reveals its migration secrets 欧洲鳗鲡迁徙产卵之谜

    09-09-26 The European eel's migration to the Sargasso Sea to spawn is one of nature's great unsolved mysteries. 欧洲鳗鲡迁移到马尾藻海产卵是大自然未解开的最大的谜团之一。 Where do they all go? For many years, biologists have puzzled over exactly where they g...

  • Ancient spiders yield 3D secrets 古蜘蛛3D模型显秘密

    09-08-05 Ancient fossilised, spider-like species have been imaged in 3D using thousands of X-ray scans and imaging software. 类似蜘蛛物种的古化石通过数千X射线扫描以及成像软件绘制出3D模型。 The two species, Cryptomartus hindi and Eophrynus prestvicii, lived 3...

  • Green beetle's super-shiny secret 绿甲虫发亮的原因

    09-07-25 The stunning metallic green sheen of the jewelled beetle is produced by microscopic cells in its exoskeleton. 宝石甲虫发出漂亮金属绿光是因为它外骨骼的微观细胞。 Under left circularly polarised light, the same beetle looks super-green Researchers rep...

  • Hot secret behind toucan's bill 犀鸟喙发热的秘密

    09-07-24 For centuries, scientists have puzzled over why the toucan's bill is so remarkably large - but now one team thinks it might have an answer. 几个世纪以来,科学家被犀鸟巨大的喙所迷惑,但是现在一组团队认为他们找到了答案。 As the surroundings heat up, t...

  • Study nails secret of child sleep 研究发现小孩睡觉的秘密

    09-07-23 Researchers have confirmed what parents have long believed - running around in the day means your child may well fall asleep faster at night. 研究人员证实了父母们长期以来相信的一件事:孩子白天出去玩一天意味着晚上可以快速入睡。 He may not have had en...