• 《冰雪奇缘》第8章

    23-01-29 Elsa burst into the courtyard. She was so afraid now that her secret was out. She hoped she hadnt hurt anyone. Regardless, everyone in Arendelle would soon know about her magic. There she is! cried a townswoman, excited to get a glimpse of the newly...

  • Phobias 恐惧症

    23-01-29 Do you have a phobia? 你有恐惧症吗? This is what some people in London told us: Many people have phobias linked to animals. One woman does not feel comfortable 感觉不舒服 thinking about snakes 蛇 and one man has problems with spiders 蜘蛛。 Another...


    22-07-26 THE SECRET EATER 偷吃型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Eat virtuously in public, but tuck into junk food when no ones watching? 众目睽睽之下吃的很健康,但是没人看见的时候就狂吃垃圾食品? Raid the fridge at night? 晚上席卷冰箱? Pick at the childrens leftove...

  • 天知地知你知我知

    22-06-28 Can I count on you? 我可以信任你吗? Could you keep a secret? 你能保密吗? Keep it to yourself. 你自己知道就行了。 This is for your ears only. 我只告诉你了哦。 Dont say I told you. 千万别说是我告诉你的。 This is not public knowledge. 这可不是谁都能...

  • 网络流行热词

    22-06-07 1. secret sauce: 秘诀,由其原意秘制酱料引申而来 The professor shared the secret sauce to a companys success. 教授跟大家分享了公司经营成功的秘诀。 2. break the Internet: 使网络瘫痪,某人、某消息太火,在网上疯传,网络都快被它搞瘫痪了 Kardashian broke...