• an open book 一目了然的,易看穿的

    21-11-12 An open book 一本打开的书 =一目了然的,易看穿的 联想记忆:书都打开了,所以一目了然,什么都看得清清楚楚。 例句: My life is an open book and I have no secret. 我的生活很明了,没有秘密可言。...

  • Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 3

    20-12-19 For several days the Cubans were almost invisible, appearing only for a daily drive, a twilight saunter on the beach, or a brief visit to the ballroom, there to enjoy the excitement of the pastime in which they both excelled. Their apartments were i...

  • 如何让对方保密

    17-03-21 Keep your mouth shut. 跟任何人说都不行。/这是秘密。 英英释义: This means Dont tell anyone. It is said when there is a secret to be kept. Keep this to yourself. 这是秘密。/你一个人知道就行了。/别对任何人讲。 英英释义: This usually means something i...

  • 5个矛盾修辞

    16-05-05 Open secret 公开的秘密 原本是个秘密,但知道的人多了,也就成了公开的秘密。 例句: Everyone at the party knew about Sarahs new boyfriend as it was an open secret. 聚会上的每个人都知道萨拉的新男友了,简直就是公开的秘密。 Small crowd 人还没那么多 500人...

  • 3/5的人深藏怕被别人发现的秘密

    15-07-17 Three in five people have a secret that they dread others finding out, a survey has revealed. 调查显示,每五个人中就有三个人深藏一个害怕被别人发现的秘密。 And researchers found the average person has at least one secret that they have been carrying...

  • A stoop old man captured cicadas 痀偻承蜩

    14-04-29 Once when Confucius was in the state of Chu, he saw a stooped(弯腰) old man glue cicadas(蝉) with a pole. He did this as easily as pick up things on the ground. Confucius asked him what the secret was. The old man said, Five six months after I b...

  • I'm not even thirsty 我一点都不渴

    14-03-24 Nearing the end, Stanislaw is surrounded by loved ones. As the final moment approaches, he gathers all his strength and whispers, I must tell you my greatest secret. His family urges him to go on. Before I got married, I had it all, Stanislaw explai...

  • Cabochon

    13-08-20 Cabochon Nick Laird She still has some cousins in Leitrim, the tall nurse broadcasting our secret, and bright eyes bright as trinkets(小玩意儿) when her pink nail taps the screen. Between the coda and the dipped head a flicker in the quadrant's gr...

  • 40条网络流行语翻译

    13-08-01 神马都是浮云 It's all fleeting cloud. 坑爹 the reverse of one's expectation 哥只是传说 Brother is only a legend. 伤不起 vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt 你懂的 It goes without saying that 吐槽 disclose one's secret 小清新 like [好似] a breath of...

  • 哪里才是给你幸福的地方

    13-06-24 Once, when a relationship I loved but struggled with was ending, I felt convinced that if only he and I went to the spot of one of our first dates (a place we had returned to throughout our relationship and where we always felt calm and connected),...