• gaokao superstition 高考迷信

    21-11-19 每逢高考季,各种各样的高考迷信便流传开来,考生家长可谓费尽心思,各出奇招,大家也早就见怪不怪。 高考迷信(gaokao superstitions),指为了在高考中取得好成绩而采取的迷信行为。 Lets take a look at some of the unique, colorful gaokao superstitions that do...

  • 英国多家超市用照片替代实物

    21-10-27 据英国《卫报》报道,英国多家超市近日的货架上除了零散的物资之外,印有水果、蔬菜等食物照片的纸板也被放在没有实物的货架上。英媒称,由于供应问题加上产品种类减少,很多超市供货不足,只能采取此操作,掩盖略显空荡的货架。 Tesco has begun using pictures of as...

  • 描述春季气候的常用词语

    21-10-02 冬去春来,气候逐渐回暖。英语中有一些专门用来描述春季特有的气候变化。通过做下面的测验,学习这些实用的词汇。 1. As winter fades away and spring arrives, how do we tend to describe the change in temperature? a) Its cooling down b) Its warming out c) It...

  • blow the cobwebs away 振作精神

    21-07-16 Cobweb 是蜘蛛网,英语中有一个比喻blow the cobwebs away 把蜘蛛网吹走。根据不同的语境,可以理解为出去透透气,清醒一下或者除旧布新,振作精神。我们也可以用clear out 清理或clear away 清除来替代这个表达中的blow away 吹散,意思是一样的。 例句 Weve been sit...

  • 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出

    21-06-21 Its a sight and sound that will make your skin crawl. Billions of periodical cicadas emerging out of the earth and overtaking the eastern United States. The rare spectacle has Americans in awe. 此景此声会让你毛骨悚然。数十亿只周期蝉破土而出,席卷美...

  • 夏季求职是最聪明的选择

    21-01-04 1. Interviewers are less pressed for time. Its a slow season in many industries. Accounting firms, for example, are busy in the winter and early spring, so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff. 面试官的时间比较宽裕。对许多...

  • IMDb2020年十大美剧

    20-12-23 Money Heist Season 4 《纸钞屋》第四季 IMDb:7.4 豆瓣:9.0 Spanish show Money Heist dropped its Part 4 in April on Netflix. The plot has a gang of robbers who attempt to carry out the most perfect heist on the Royal Mint of Spain, and then on the Ban...

  • 袁隆平团队研发的杂交水稻双季亩产突破1500公斤

    20-11-05 Despite unfavorable weather conditions this year, the two harvests combined-consisting of early-season and late-season crops-surpassed 22.5 tons per hectare, realizing the goal set earlier this year by renowned agricultural expert Yuan Longping, w...

  • 英国超市出售树叶遭炮轰

    20-10-12 UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been slammed by social media users for selling bouquets of autumn seasonal foliage at 6 apiece. 英国高端超市维特罗斯近日遭到社交媒体用户的炮轰,因为该超市出售成束的秋叶,每束定价6英镑(约合人民币53元)。 Photos of v...

  • Little Women - Chapter 28

    20-09-28 Like most other young matrons, Meg began her married life with the determination to be a model housekeeper. John should find home a paradise, he should always see a smiling face, should fare sumptuously every day, and never know the loss of a button...