• 手机解锁图形很容易被犯罪分子猜到

    15-08-28 A study shows that most of us use similar patterns to unlock our handsets, meaning they could be easily guessed by criminals. 一项研究显示,我们多数人都会使用相似的图形来解锁手机。这就意味着,解锁图形很容易地就会被犯罪分子猜到。 More than three quar...

  • nth screen 多屏幕分享

    14-08-14 The ' nth screen ' has been lingering around the tech world for several years, but is expected to hit the big time in 2014. It basically means devices that are able to connect and share content between multiple displays. Sharing is caring, apparentl...

  • screen sightedness 屏幕近视

    13-11-12 Screen sightedness refers to myopia caused by too much time spent indoors staring at small screens. Screen sightedness指长时间待在室内盯着小屏幕看而导致的近视,即屏幕近视。 British researchers coined the problem screen sighted, referring to a 35 per...

  • second screen 第二屏幕

    13-04-07 Second screen , some times also referred to as 'companion device', is a term that refers to an additional electronic device (e.g. tablet, smartphone) that allows a television audience to interact with the content they are consuming, such as TV shows...

  • Non-screen time 非屏幕时间

    13-03-07 Non-screen time is a kind of tech-life balance strategy that all members of a family agree not to use any screen during certain hours of the day. These agreements may include: no screens before school, all mobiles on the landing at night, no calls a...

  • 更先进的液晶显示器即将问世

    10-08-11 Sleek(圆滑的) design and ease of use are just two of the main reasons consumers are increasingly attracted to tablets and e-readers. And these devices are only going to get better -- display technology improvements are on the way. Several e-reader...

  • 塑料逻辑公司发布电子阅读器

    10-01-08 UK firm Plastic Logic has launched its Que e-reader in a bid to challenge the dominance of Amazon's Kindle. 英国塑料逻辑公司发布Que电子阅读器,借此挑战亚马逊的阅读器Kindle。 The lightweight, touch-screen device went on display at the Consumer Electr...

  • Doubts raised over MRSA screening 耐甲氧西林金葡菌病人筛选遭

    09-10-09 The wisdom of screening all hospital patients for MRSA in England is being questioned by a leading expert. 英国一位领导专家对国内所有医院的对耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌病人进行的筛选提出疑问。 MRSA rates have been falling in recent years Dr Michael Mil...

  • Video screens hit paper magazines 娱乐周刊:液晶屏与杂志相结

    09-09-18 The first video advert inside a print title has been published inside the American magazine Entertainment Weekly. 美国杂志娱乐周刊发行首刊带有液晶放像功能的印刷刊物。 The small screen, built into a cardboard(厚纸板) insert, contains an advert for...

  • Boy conceived using new test born 采用新方法受孕的婴儿出生

    09-09-02 The first baby conceived with the help of a new egg screening technique which could offer hope to women for whom IVF has repeatedly failed has been born. 第一例通过卵细胞筛选技术的帮助而出生的婴儿可能会给试管受精屡次失败的妇女提供帮助。 Professor Si...