• gaze steadily 目不转睛

    22-01-22 目不转睛,汉语成语,意思是指眼球一动不动地盯着看,形容注意力很集中,看得出神。可以翻译为gaze steadily,never take ones eyes off somebody or something等。 例句: 孩子们目不转睛地看着我打开包裹。 The children were all eyes when I opened the parcel. 她...

  • 躺玩手机 当心高眼压

    21-12-13 关上灯,爬上床,拿起手机,美好的夜生活仿佛才刚刚开始 你是不是也常常边刷手机边感叹:网上有意思的内容也太多了吧!但是你有没有发现,当你一心盯着手机看时,就会忘记了眨眼。 Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with...

  • 和“摄影”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 摄影术的发明为我们记录美好瞬间提供了可能。如果你是个 摄影发烧友,那么每年六月二十九日的 相机日 Camera Day 可得好好庆祝一番了。与 相机 或 摄影技术 有关的词汇你知道多少?不妨做本集《英语小测验》六道小题。 1. Which one of these is another word for a ph...

  • 未来的电视

    21-03-03 Ive worked in the media for over ten years. I love films, documentaries and all kinds of TV programmes. So, you might be surprised to learn that, in all that time, I never actually owned a telly. Why not? For the simple reason that these days its ju...

  • BBC:2021年佳片前瞻 上

    21-01-09 The Many Saints of Newark《纽瓦克众圣》 Fourteen years after The Sopranos ended, its creator and writer, David Chase, delivers a prequel to one of the best television series ever made. No one could replace James Gandolfini, who died in 2013, and who...

  • 大脑使我们逃避关于生死话题的恐惧

    20-12-01 Thats because, researchers say, our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people....

  • compulsive highlighter 高亮强迫症

    20-09-26 Compulsive highlighter refers to a person who, when reading text on a computer screen, cannot help but constantly select, deselect, and reselect the text. 高亮强迫症指的是一个人在阅读电脑屏幕上的文字时忍不住要选中自己正阅读的文字,让它呈高亮显示,然...

  • 研究:屏幕使用时间对健康影响不大

    19-04-20 Data from more than 17,000 teenagers show little evidence of a relationship between screen time and well-being in adolescents. 从17000名青少年中收集的数据显示,很少的证据表明屏幕使用时间和青少年的健康存在联系。 The study, published in Psychological...

  • 《天火》今年晚些时候将全球上映

    19-04-16 SkyFire, a Chinese action disaster movie directed by Hollywood film director Simon West, is to hit the global screen later this year. 由好莱坞导演西蒙威斯特执导的中国灾难动作电影《天火》将于今年晚些时候全球上映。 Initiated and invested by Chinese, t...

  • 三星发布折叠屏手机Galaxy Fold

    19-02-21 Samsung unveiled a highly anticipated smartphone with a foldable screen. 三星发布一款备受期待的折叠屏手机。 But its far from clear that consumers will embrace a device that retails for almost $2,000, or that it will provide the creative catalyst the...