• land sale revenue 土地出让收入

    16-05-25 Most of Chinas land sale revenue last year went to compensation and related spending, leaving only a marginal sum to be used for other expenditures, according to the Finance Ministry. 财政部近日表示,2015年大部分土地出让收入用在了补偿及相关费用上,...

  • 埃及总统在易趣被“打折出售”

    16-03-07 The president of Egypt has been put on sale on eBay after vowing that he would sell himself to help the country's economy. 埃及总统放言,他甚至想卖掉自己,以挽救本国经济。话音刚落,他就被好事者放在易趣网上打折出售了。 Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the forme...

  • 丹麦某超市专卖临期食品

    16-03-04 Denmark is once again distinguishing itself in the race against food waste -- this time, with a supermarket hawking items once destined for the trash bin. 在防止食物浪费方面,丹麦再一次走在了各国前列这次,它的一家超市开始销售原本该扔进垃圾箱的东西。...

  • 戴安娜王妃未公开婚纱照将被拍卖

    15-08-12 As the 18th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana approaches, a private auction house in London is offering never-before-published wedding pictures of the former Princess of Wales. 戴安娜王妃逝世18周年临近,伦敦一家私人拍卖行将出售一组这位前威...

  • 索尼PS4在中国大陆延迟发售

    15-01-09 Sony will postpone the sale of its PlayStation consoles on the Chinese mainland, which were formerly scheduled to release on Sunday. 索尼将推迟PS4游戏机在中国大陆的发售,该机型原定于本周日发售。 Sony and its Chinese partner Shanghai Oriental Pearl G...

  • 英国出售欧洲之星40%股份

    14-10-13 The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances. 英国政府正在出售跨海峡铁路欧洲之星40%的股份,以期藉此增加公共财政。 The intention to sell was set out last year in...

  • A Ten-Cent Idea

    14-09-26 When young F. W. Woolworth was a store clerk, he tried to convince his boss to have a ten-cent sale to reduce inventory. The boss agreed, and the idea was a resounding success. This inspired Woolworth to open his own store and price items at a nicke...

  • 阿里巴巴在美国申请公开售股

    14-05-07 Chinese internet giant Alibaba has filed documents for a public share sale in the US, which is widely expected to be one of the biggest in history. 中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴申请在美国公开售股,这被普遍认为是史上一次最大的售股活动。 In its filing, the c...

  • rummage sale 清仓义卖会

    14-02-11 Rummage sale is an event at which second hand goods are sold, usually by an institution such as a local Scout group or church, as a fundraising or charitable effort. 清仓义卖会是出售二手货的一种活动,通常是当地的童子军或教堂等机构以募款或慈善为目的...

  • arms-sale contract 军售合同

    13-09-26 Beijing and Moscow signed two arms-sale contracts in which China will buy Russian fighter jets and submarines, media reports said. 媒体报道称,中俄已签署两份军售合同,中方将从俄罗斯购买战斗机和潜艇。 Arms sale就是指军售,arms-sale contracts则是军售...