• Save much more

    13-07-09 You will be pleased with me today, mother, said Dick to his mother, coming home from school. I saved on fares. I didn't go to school by bus, I ran all the way after it. Well, said his mother laughing, Next time you should run after a taxi, you will...

  • 雨中奔跑

    13-05-20 She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to h...

  • run aground 搁浅

    13-01-28 A navy frigate that ran aground in the waters off China's Nansha Islands was refloated with the help of the navy's rescue force on Sunday. 周日,在南沙群岛附近海域搁浅的一艘海军护卫舰在救援兵力协助下脱浅。 上文中的run aground就是搁浅,指船只进入过浅...

  • I promised to be there

    12-08-17 If one day you feel like crying... Call me. I don't promise that I will make you laugh, But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away - Don't be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop... But I can run with you. If one day yo...

  • What to do if you're caught in a storm

    12-08-03 When caught in pouring rain without an umbrella, most people pick up their pace. But an old tale advises that a person who runs in the rain gets wetter than one who walks. It sounds reasonable that when someone runs up and down, the body is exposed...

  • Bishop Creighton 克莱顿主教

    12-06-01 Creighton was going along a West End square when he saw a little fellow trying to reach the knocker of a large house. Can't you reach up so high? queried the Bishop kindly. No, sir, said the small youngster. Well, then, let me help you, and the Bish...

  • end its run 停播

    12-05-22 Run is a word that is used in so many different ways than just moving fast. When a TV show ends its run, it stops. When someone runs on at the mouth, that means he talks too much. If you get a run in your stocking, that means you have a long tear. I...

  • It depends 看情况

    12-01-10 Traveler: Can I catch the three o'clock train to Toronto? Ticket agent: That depends on how fast you can run. It left fifteen minutes ago. 旅行者:我还能赶上3点钟那班到多伦多的火车吗? 售票员:那得看你跑得有多快。火车15分钟前开出。...

  • elope 私奔

    11-12-12 To all friends and relatives, to all colleagues, I am giving up everything and eloping with Wang Qin, venture capitalist Wang Gongquan, 50, announced at 11:21 pm on Monday on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent to Twitter. 现年50岁的风险投资人王功权于本...

  • When a Tiger comes 老虎来了

    10-05-13 When a Tiger comes Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of Nikes from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised loo...