• a run of luck 一连串好运或厄运

    22-11-28 搭配 a run of luck 指 一段时期内发生的事件总是走运或不走运。一连串好运 是 a run of good luck,而 一连串厄运 就是 a run of bad luck。 例句 After failing to get another job, Jackson wondered when his run of bad luck in interviews would end. 在又一次找...

  • hustle about 东奔西跑

    22-07-22 东奔西跑,汉语成语,形容到处奔走,或为某种目的而四处活动。可以翻译为run around busily,hustle about或rush about/around等。 例句: 没有人注意到我们一直都在东奔西跑地倒垃圾,打扫卫生。 No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleani...

  • do something on the run 在去别地时做某事

    22-05-10 Do something on the run Definition: do something while on the way to somewhere else 定义:在去别地时做某事。 We did it on the run while on the way to Arizona. 我们是在去亚利桑那州的途中完成这个的。 You can do it on the run. Lets go! 我们可以在途中完...

  • run errands 跑腿

    22-05-06 为响应封控管理政策,跑腿代购成为了物资配送的重要渠道之一。它的英语表达是run errands。 甚至,不少居民表示:加价才能叫到跑腿,这里加价的英语是mark up哦~ I asked someone to run errands and send some vegetables to my relatives.我叫了个跑腿帮我的亲戚送些...

  • run out of credit 手机欠费

    22-01-07 很多同学会疑惑,手机欠费不就是没有钱吗?直接用My phone has no money.不就行了,多简单啊!其实这样的表达太中式了,地道的英语表达应该是my cellphone ran out of credit. run out of是用光,耗尽的意思,credit除了信用、信誉、积分之外,还有话费的意思。 举个例...

  • in the long run 长远来说

    21-12-17 英语里 in the long run 这个短语的意思是长远来说。 例句 Im not spending any money at all at the moment. Life is pretty boring but, in the long run, itll be worth it. Ill be able to afford my dream holiday. Ive just quit smoking and I feel terrible, b...

  • long run 长期、从长远来看

    21-12-15 long run的意思可不是长跑,而是长期、从长远来看。 例句: Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run. 有时昂贵的药物或其他疗法从长远来看是省钱的。 This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run. 从长远...

  • cut and run 慌忙逃走

    21-12-15 cut and run是一个习惯用语,起源于航海。当海上的船只遇到危险情况,为了躲避灭顶之灾,船长往往不像平常那样下令起锚,而会叫船员砍断锚链,尽快逃走。所以,cut and run的意思就是慌忙逃走。 例句: When the price of new houses dropped so fast, a lot of builde...

  • hit a home run 全胜

    21-12-08 hit a home run的意思是to succeed with something,全胜。 例句: He finally hit a home run. 他终于成功了。...