• 《冰雪奇缘》第6章

    23-01-29 The cathedral was packed with people as the coronation ceremony began. An orchestra played and a choir sang while the royal procession walked down the very long center aisle. The bishop led the way, followed by Elsa, looking regal and serious, and f...

  • 英国国王查尔斯三世加冕仪式日期公布

    22-11-28 英国国王查尔斯三世的加冕仪式将于 2023 年 5 月 6 日星期六举行。仪式将于女王伊丽莎白二世过世八个月后在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂举行。 For 900 years, kings and queens have been crowned at Westminster Abbey. On the 6th of May next year, the Archbishop of Cante...

  • 英国国王查尔斯三世新皇家标志揭晓

    22-11-28 英国国王查尔斯三世的皇家标志已经揭晓,标志中的图案将用于政府大楼、国家文件和邮筒上。 The cypher for the King will display the initials C and R, for Charles and his title Rex Latin for King. Sitting above the entwined initials will be a representatio...

  • toxoplasmosis 弓形虫病

    22-09-27 The Proceedings of the Royal Society B(英国《皇家学会学报B辑》)日前发表了一项研究,提出企业家行为和猫屎中发现的一种寄生虫之间存在某种联系。是的,就是猫屎。 这种单细胞的寄生虫称为Toxoplasma gondii(刚地弓形虫),已知反应是能减少啮齿类对猫尿的恐惧。...

  • 白金汉宫花园首度向公众开放 游客感觉“被宰了”

    21-08-17 英国白金汉宫花园今夏首度向公众开放参观,门票于四月发售时一度引发游客疯抢,然而自上个月开放以来,宣传所说的千载难逢的探索之旅却让游客倍感失望,许多人吐槽门票一点也不值,食物饮料价格过高,大片区域被限制进入,说好的草地野餐也大打折扣,感觉被宰了。 Visi...