• 狂热粉丝打造乔治王子仿真娃娃

    15-07-09 An overjoyed royal baby fan has created a reborn doll that she claims is an exact replica of Prince George. 皇室宝宝的一位狂热粉丝打造出了一个栩栩如生的洋娃娃,她宣称这个洋娃娃和乔治小王子简直是一个模子里刻出来的。 Natalie Lawrence, 44, ordered the...

  • 西班牙王室成员插队受阻破口大骂

    15-06-05 A young member of the Spanish royal family has been accused of racially abusing a staff member at a theme park in Madrid, after being told that he was not allowed to jump the queue for a ride. 西班牙王室中的一名年轻成员因在马德里游乐场插队受阻而破口...

  • 凯特王妃产后首次亮相的裙子又火了

    15-05-17 Everything she touches turns to gold and her appearance after welcoming her first daughter was no different. 凯特王妃似乎能够点物成金,女儿出生后首次亮相的着装也不例外。 Indeed, after the Duchess of Cambridge stepped out in a sunny buttercup Jenny P...

  • 关于王室宝贝你不一定知道的事情

    15-05-03 Amid all the excitement about the eagerly-awaited new addition to the royal family, you may think you know all you could ever want to about royal babies. But did you know... 英国王室即将喜添新丁,被热切等待的兴奋心情包围的你,也许以为自己对王室宝贝...

  • 皇家海军新制服遭吐槽

    15-03-27 The Royal Navy's first new uniform for 70 years will leave British sailors looking like garage mechanics, critics said. 批评者称,皇家海军70年来首次更换的新制服将让英国水手们看起来像汽车修理工。 The new darker blue clothes will replace the light blu...

  • 柯基犬赛跑预测王室新生儿名字

    15-03-27 All barks are off - the royal family's newest member will be a girl named Alexandra. 汪星人们都安静一下,王室家族的新生儿将会是个女宝宝,并且会取名为亚历山德拉。 At least that's the oh-so-official prediction made by a bunch of racing corgis. Betting...

  • 新版两英镑硬币被批不符史实

    15-01-24 The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta is being marked with a fancy new 2 coin - but an expert has claimed the Royal Mint has ruined the design with a factually dodgy image. 为纪念英国《大宪章》签署八百周年,英国推出了别致的新版两英镑硬币。但有专...

  • 2015年4月凯特王妃将迎来第二个孩子

    14-10-24 英国肯辛顿宫的发言人今天确认,凯特王妃和威廉王子预计将于明年4月迎来他们的第二个孩子。 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be welcoming their second baby in April 2015, Kensington Palace has confirmed. Kate's pregnancy was announced last month but...

  • 凯特王妃怀孕能否保住大不列颠?

    14-09-12 Kate and William met at a Scottish university, visited Scotland in May and have their own Scottish titles. Could a royal baby save the union? 凯特王妃和威廉王子在一所苏格兰大学相识。5月,他们访问了苏格兰,还有自己的苏格兰爵位。凯特王妃再次怀孕的消息...

  • 威廉王子:儿子不愁找不到老婆

    14-04-20 Britain's Prince William says people keep offering their babies as future wives for his son. 英国威廉王子说大家都想让自己的孩子做乔治未来的妻子。 The 31-year-old prince and his wife Duchess Catherine - who are on a three-week tour of Australasia wit...