• 美国现身真人版变形金刚

    11-03-26 美国加利福尼亚一名男子成功将一辆儿童玩具车改装后穿在身上,上演了一出真人版的变形金刚。 This is the man who has turned himself into a real life Transformer - by creating a fully functional Autobot costume out of a children's toy. The must-have gadget...

  • 富有情感的机器宠物

    10-09-19 Designers of robot pets are fighting a never-ending battle with consumers to provide entertaining and realistic gadgets(小配件,小工具) that respond to human interaction in ever more nuanced(微妙的) ways, mimicking the behavior of real pet anima...

  • 爬墙机器人研制成功

    10-08-06 Wielding(使用,挥舞) two claws, a motor and a tail that swings like a grandfather clock's pendulum(钟摆) , a small robot named ROCR (rocker) scrambles up(迅速爬上,拼凑) a carpeted, 8-foot wall in just over 15 seconds the first such robot desi...

  • 东京展览会 新型机器人吸引公众关注

    10-07-31 Robots that can chat, find misplaced glasses, draw aeroplanes and play with your children are attracting thousands of visitors during an expo in Tokyo as Japan adapts to changes in society. 在日本东京日前举办的一个博览会上,能与人交谈、帮人找眼镜、...

  • 日本机器人世界首次主持婚礼

    10-05-22 Almost everyone stood when the bride walked down the aisle in her white gown, but not the wedding conductor, because she was bolted to her chair. 当新娘身穿洁白的婚纱走过长廊,几乎所有人都站了起来,唯独婚礼司仪例外,因为她被固定在了她的座椅上。 I-Fa...

  • 韩国推广机器人教学 受到学生青睐

    10-03-27 Robot teachers -- who never get angry or make sarcastic remarks -- have been a hit with pupils during a pilot project in some South Korean schools, a government report said Thursday. 韩国政府上周四发布一份报告称,该国在其部分学校试行的机器人老师受到...

  • 日本发明婴儿机器人 使人体验育儿乐趣

    10-03-13 It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby. 当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如...

  • 韩国研制出机器人女佣

    10-01-23 韩国科学家近期研制出了一个名为Mahru-Z的智能机器人女佣,她能帮助主人打扫房子、将衣服倾倒进洗衣机、用微波炉加热食物等。据介绍,这名女佣身高1.3米、体重55公斤,她的头部可以转动,胳膊腿齐全,有6根手指,而且还有能够分辨人和不同家务活动的三维视觉功能。据悉...

  • Educate to Innovate:High School Robotics

    10-01-16 On Wednesday, the President honored math and science educators at the White House and announced several new partnerships and programs in a continuation of the Educate to Innovate campaign, an initiative designed to energize and excite Americas stude...

  • Call for debate on killer robots 号召讨论杀手机器人的使用

    09-08-04 An international debate is needed on the use of autonomous military robots, a leading academic has said. 一个领导性的学术研究称,关于自主军队机器人的使用还需要一个国际性的讨论。 Noel Sharkey of the University of Sheffield said that a push toward mor...