• “机器人女神”走红达沃斯论坛

    16-07-05 You might do a double take when you see this particular robot - and if you did you would not be alone. 看到这个特别的机器人时你可能一时反应不过来如果是,不只你一个人这样。 Visitors to a recent exhibition in China were greeted by Jia Jia, a humanoid...

  • 美的欲收购德国库卡

    16-05-19 Chinese home appliances maker Midea Group has announced its intention to make an acquisition offer to the German industrial robot supplier Kuka AG. 中国家电生产商美的集团宣布,对德国工业机器人供应商库卡集团有收购意向。 Kuka has been valued by Midea...

  • 英国程序员发明世界第一个机器人律师

    16-04-24 British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project - the worlds first robot lawyer. The 19-year-old developed a free service that allows users to ask any kind of legal question and receive r...

  • 日本人机共创小说入围星新一文学奖

    16-04-04 Could a writing robot make novelists obsolete? 机器人作家会让人类小说家失业吗? It might not happen anytime soon, but then again, it might. In Japan, a short novel co-written by an artificial intelligence program (its co-author is human) made it pas...

  • 世界上最逼真的人形机器人在新加坡亮相

    16-01-09 The world's most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist as scientists predict the new technology will eventually provide childcare and offer friendship to lonely elderly people. 世界上最逼真的人形机器人纳丁已经开始了她作为大学...

  • 南洋理工科学家发明社交型远端临场机器人

    16-01-03 Say hello to Nadine, a 'receptionist' at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). She is friendly, and will greet you back. Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her. She looks almost like a...

  • 机器人有能力替代人类的双手和大脑

    15-12-02 The robot takeover of the world may not be as dramatic as we thought. It wont come in the form of explosions, but rather in the form of employment. Yikes. 机器人掌管世界不会像我们想象的那么戏剧化。它会以受雇佣,而不是爆炸的形式出现。 In a classic sc...

  • 日本影片用机器人作领衔女主演

    15-11-06 Japanese film-makers have created a robot movie star - by casting an android 'actress' in a lead role. 日本电影制片商选用机器人作为领衔女主演,塑造了一位机器人电影明星。 The robot co-stars alongside a human in the film 'Sayonara' set in the aftermat...

  • 剑桥科学家发明“母体”机器人

    15-09-06 Scientists from the University of Cambridge have developed a mother robot that independently builds its own baby robots and then tests their performances to inform the future design. 剑桥大学的科学家发明了一台母体机器人,它可以独立打造自己的婴儿机器...

  • 昆虫视觉有助于提升机器人视觉系统

    15-06-15 The way insects see and track their prey is being applied to a new robot under development at the University of Adelaide, in the hopes of improving robot visual systems. The project - which crosses the boundaries of neuroscience, mechanical engineer...