• New Year's resolution 新年决心

    21-09-10 A New Years resolution 就是新年决心,希望能在未来一年中得以实施。 例句 Have you made any New Years resolutions? I want to lose weight and get fit. My mums New Years resolution is to stop smoking. Lets make it our New Years resolution to run a marath...

  • 新年决心是一项历史悠久的传统

    21-01-04 Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation theyve always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did t...

  • 纽约将10月1日设为“中国日”

    19-06-20 The New York State Senate on Tuesday passed a resolution to recognize Oct. 1 this year as the China Day to strengthen the friendship and relationship between the state and Chinese Americans. 纽约州参议院周二通过一项决议,将今年的10月1日作为中国日,...

  • 十个小窍门让实现新年目标成为可能

    16-01-03 British psychologist Richard Wiseman has done several surveys on willpower - in 2007 he tracked the success of 3,000 people's New Year's resolutions, only to find that a mere 12 percent of them managed to achieve what they had set out to do. He look...

  • 阿克尺度下称量粒子重量

    14-01-14 MIT engineers have devised a way to measure the mass of particles with a resolution better than an attogram(微微微克) -- one millionth of a trillionth of a gram. Weighing these tiny particles, including both synthetic nanoparticles and biological...

  • 超高分辨率3D人脑模型打造完成

    13-06-21 A landmark three-dimensional (3-D) digital reconstruction of a complete human brain, called the BigBrain, now for the first time shows the brain anatomy(解剖学) in microscopic detail -- at a spatial resolution of 20 microns, smaller than the size...

  • resolutionist 新年计划族

    13-06-09 A resolutionist is a person who joins the gym in early January because of their New Years Resolution but doesnt follow through with it afterwards. Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin, excessive fat, poor form, and blank look on t...

  • 塞尔维亚国会就斯雷布雷尼察屠杀致歉

    10-03-31 Serbia's parliament has passed a landmark resolution offering an apology for the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 - the worst incident of the Bosnian War. 塞尔维亚国会通过一项划时代的决议,对波斯尼亚战争中最恶劣的事件1995年斯雷布雷尼察屠杀表示歉意。 Seve...

  • 高分辨率X射线成像研究取得重大突破

    10-02-22 For nearly half a century, scientists have been trying to figure out how to build a cost-effective and reasonably sized X-ray laser that could, among other things, provide super high- resolution(分辨率) imaging. And for the past two decades, Unive...
