• 揭密长江的古老起源

    10-06-04 The Yangtze River in China is 40 million years older than was previously thought, according to new research. A study of minerals by a team led by Durham University reveals that the Yangtze River began to cut the Three Gorges(长江三峡) area around...

  • 新研究为骨髓损伤治疗带来希望

    10-05-31 Researchers in the University of Alberta's Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine(康复医学) have made an important discovery that could lead to more effective treatments for spinal-cord injuries. Karim Fouad and David Bennett have identified one of th...

  • 亨廷顿疾病防治研究取得重大突破

    10-05-24 They might not be known for their big brains, but fruit flies are helping to make scientists and doctors smarter about what causes Huntington's disease and how to treat it. New research, published in the journal GENETICS (http://www.genetics.org) de...

  • 幼儿教育质量将影响其未来成长

    10-05-16 If you thought that the quality of the child care your toddler(学步的小孩) got wouldn't matter when he or she was a teenager, think again. A new longitudinal study(纵向研究) of more than 1,300 children has found that it does matter, more than a...

  • 电磁辐射可使细胞发生癌变

    10-05-14 It is well established that exposure to ionizing radiation(电离辐射) can result in mutations or other genetic damage that cause cells to turn cancerous. Now a new study led by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley Nati...

  • 英国夏季开始时间提前

    10-05-07 The onset(开始,进攻) of summer in England has been advancing since the mid 1950s, research from a pair of University of Sheffield geographers(地理学者) has shown. The investigations, conducted by Amy Kirbyshire, a former undergraduate of the Un...

  • 醒酒液在醒酒的同时可增加酒瘾

    10-05-06 Drinking alcohol over a long period of time profoundly(深刻地,极度地) affects the brain, which adapts to the intoxicant(醉人的) and causes withdrawal symptoms(脱瘾症状,断除症状) when consumption stops. Neuroscientists from the University of...

  • 科学家发现基因调节新计算方法

    10-04-25 Scientists have developed a new computational model to uncover gene regulation, the key to how our body develops and how it can go wrong. The researchers, from The University of Manchester (UK), Aalto University (Finland) and the European Molecular...

  • 揭密:机会只垂青于愿意等待的人

    10-04-15 New research reveals a brain circuit that seems to underlie the ability of humans to resist instant gratification(满意,喜悦) and delay reward for months, or even years, in order to earn a better payoff. The study, published by Cell Press in the A...

  • 基因专利阻止了竞争 延缓了创新

    10-04-15 Exclusive(排外的,专一的) licenses to gene patents, most of which are held by academic institutions and based on taxpayer-funded research, do more to block competition in the gene testing market than to spur(激励,鞭策) the development of new te...