• 讲述人生经历的英语词汇

    21-09-29 3月8日是国际妇女节,人们在这一天庆祝全球女性在各领域取得的成就。 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者屠呦呦和演员章子怡都是我国的杰出女性。你了解她们的人生经历吗?怎样用英语表示获奖、首次演出?做下面六道测验题,学习在讲述一个人的人生经历时可以用到的词汇。 1....

  • 终日无所事事的人也并不快乐

    21-09-24 一年到头忙得团团转的人总是想,要是有一天能闲下来就好了。然而终日无所事事的人却也并不快乐。那么每天休息多长时间最幸福?科学家的最新研究给出了答案。 Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy, but new research suggests that...

  • 猫也有不同的性格类型

    21-09-10 如果你家里只养了一只猫,你可能会以为猫的性格只有一种,那就是时而高冷,时而粘人。但是如果你接触的猫足够多,你会发现,猫和人一样,也有不同的性格类型。 Ask any cat person to describe their feline friend, and theyll likely affectionately say jerkface. C...

  • in hand 正在进行中

    21-08-02 我们可以用 in hand 来形容某事情正在进行、正在被受理过程中或某事即将得到处理。多数情况下我们用这个说法来告诉他人一件事情的进展情况,以让他们放心。 例句 Have you finished that report yet? It has to be handed in on Monday. Its in hand, Ive done all the...

  • 研究:男性生男生女的倾向遗传自父母

    21-06-28 A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters. 英国纽卡斯尔大学一项有千万家庭参与的研究能够帮助准父母预测孩子性别。 The work by Corry Gellatly,...

  • 霍金办公室遗物将被公开展出

    21-06-10 He was the worlds most inspiring scientist. His research, photographs and letters are his legacy to the world and they are to be saved for the nation. His son Tim sees many of them for the first time including a letter that his father wrote to his d...

  • 荷兰科学家训练蜜蜂来检测新冠病毒

    21-05-07 荷兰科学家正在训练拥有超强嗅觉的蜜蜂来检测新冠病毒,结果已证实可行,可以在几秒钟内成功识别出新冠病毒的气味。对于一些缺乏检测设备的国家和地区来说,这个办法可谓是便宜又高效。 Scientists in the Netherlands have trained bees to identify COVID-19 through...

  • 爱情和语法

    21-03-16 Are you looking for love? When you want to impress a potential girlfriend or boyfriend, you take great care with your appearance and try to be on your best behaviour. But what about your grammar? Do you check if you are using verbs and commas proper...

  • 来自地狱的明信片

    21-03-09 Sun, a sandy beach and a nice view. Is that what all tourists want? Not quite. Trips to sites of death, brutality and terror are on the increase. About 350,000 people now visit Robben Island in South Africa every year. Thats where Nelson Mandela was...

  • 崇拜名人之风

    21-03-06 Lady Gaga! Paris Hilton! Kim Kardashian! Err Kim Kardashians hairdresser! These days we have so many celebrities.And some are famous for being well, just famous. So I wondered: is this obsession with celebrities just a phenomenon of the 21st century...