• 分析思维能降低宗教信仰

    12-04-27 A new University of British Columbia study finds that analytic thinking can decrease religious belief, even in devout(虔诚的) believers. The study, which is published in the April 27 issue of Science, finds that thinking analytically increases dis...

  • 信教者因为不信任而厌恶无神论者

    11-12-02 Distrust is the central motivating factor behind why religious people dislike atheists(无神论者) , according to a new study led by University of British Columbia psychologists. Where there are religious majorities -- that is, in most of the world...

  • 世界最古老神庙并非完全用于祭祀

    11-10-09 Ancient structures uncovered in Turkey and thought to be the world's oldest temples may not have been strictly religious buildings after all, according to an article in the October issue of Current Anthropology. Archaeologist(考古学家) Ted Banning...

  • 教育影响着美国人的宗教信仰

    11-08-09 It's pretty much a given that the more educated someone becomes, the more likely they are to question their religious beliefs, stop going to church and even abandon their faith entirely. Or is it? A new University of Nebraska-Lincoln study challenge...

  • 也门发生汽车炸弹袭击事件 15人死亡

    10-11-25 A car bombing of a Shia religious procession has killed 15 people in the northern Yemen, reports say. 报道称,也门北部地区一只什叶派宗教游行队伍遭到汽车炸弹袭击,15人死亡。 A spokesman for the area's Huthi rebels said his group was targeted in the a...

  • 购物与宗教

    10-11-16 Marketers hope to connect between the consumer and the products they represent by creating a strong brand identity. Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is giving marketers a heavenly new angle to consider ― religious faith ― on which to build the...

  • 宗教思想是旧石器艺术起源的基础

    10-03-28 This statement isn't new, but for years anthropologists(人类学家) , archaeologists(考古学家) and historians of art understood these artistic manifestations(证明,显示) as purely aesthetic(美学的) and decorative(装饰性的) motives. Eduardo P...

  • 马来西亚警方逮捕教堂袭击嫌疑犯

    10-01-20 Malaysian police say they have arrested eight people over the firebombing of a church earlier this month. 马来西亚警方逮捕八名嫌疑犯,他们涉嫌本月早些时候用燃烧弹攻击一座教堂。 A government minister says the church attacks are the work of extremists...

  • 尼日利亚乔斯城发生宗教冲突 死伤惨重

    10-01-20 At least 149 people have been killed during two days of violence between Christian and Muslim gangs in the Nigerian city of Jos, officials say. 尼日利亚城市乔斯,基督教徒与穆斯林教徒发生暴力冲突,持续两天的冲突造成至少149人丧生。 Mosque workers and...

  • 尼日利亚包奇州警察与宗派发生暴力冲突

    09-12-29 At least 20 people are thought to have died in clashes between security forces and members of a religious sect in the northern Nigerian state of Bauchi. 尼日利亚北部包奇州安全部队与宗派成员发生冲突,至少20人丧生。 Some eyewitnesses said as many as 3...