• 新疆拟出台草案遏制宗教极端势力

    15-03-13 The legislature of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to draft a regulation by 2016 to curb religious extremism. It may include a ban on wearing clothes in public linked to religious extremism such as full face and body coverings, the head o...

  • 美国军方降低着装标准

    14-01-23 The US military is easing its uniform rules to allow religious wear including turbans, skullcaps, beards and tattoos, officials have said. 美国军方降低了着装标准,允许佩戴宗教服饰,例如穆斯林头巾、无边便帽、胡须还有纹身。 Sikh soldiers such as Army...

  • 宗教信仰对商贸业发展有益

    13-12-23 Those looking for honest companies to invest in might want to check out businesses based in more religious communities, suggests a new paper from the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. The study found that businesses with head offi...

  • 印度北方邦发生暴力事件 三人死亡

    13-10-31 Three people have been killed in fresh violence in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, which was hit by religious riots last month. 印度北方邦发生一起暴力事件,三人死亡。该邦上月曾发生过宗教暴乱。 September's riots in Muzaffarnagar were described a...

  • 超自然经历诱发人的宗教捐赠行为

    13-10-23 People who have had what they believe to be supernatural experiences are more likely to be religious givers, with their behavior based on cost-benefit principles that work in other transactions -- whether that be through Amazon.com or an auto repair...

  • 马来西亚非穆斯林将禁用“安拉”

    13-10-14 A Malaysian court has ruled that non-Muslims cannot use the word Allah to refer to God. 马来西亚一座法院规定,非穆斯林成员禁用词语安拉来代表上帝。 The appeals court said that allowing non-Muslims to use the word would cause confusion in the communit...

  • 感恩节词汇集锦

    13-05-13 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Happy Thanksgiving Day 感恩节快乐 MayFlower 五月花号 Mayflower Compact 《五月花号公约》 Puritan 清教徒 religious persecution 宗教迫害 family reunion 家人团聚 purely American 纯美国式 cherished traditions 宝贵的传统 blessings...

  • 巴西某公证人一男两女家庭观念遭炮轰

    12-09-01 近日,巴西一位公证人员因公开承认一个一男两女家庭的合理性而遭到各界炮轰,有律师表示这样的家庭模式荒唐且完全不合法,有悖于巴西人的价值观和道德观。 A notary(公证人) in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo has sparked controversy by accepting a civil unio...

  • 沙特允许女运动员参加奥运会

    12-06-25 Saudi Arabia is to allow its women athletes to compete in the Olympics for the first time. 沙特阿拉伯将首次允许其女运动员参加奥运会角逐。 Officials say the country's Olympic Committee will oversee participation of women athletes who can qualify. The...

  • 埃及政党就挑选修宪成员达成共识

    12-06-08 Political parties in Egypt have agreed on how to select the 100-member panel that will write the country's new constitution, ending weeks of deadlock. 埃及的各政党就如何选择100人的团体来撰写新宪法这一问题达成一致意见,结束了数周的僵局。 A deal was r...