• 奥巴马演讲 美国经济正在取得进展

    10-07-31 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Trying a little change of venue(场所,地点) here, mix it up. I want to talk about the progress that we made this week on three fronts, as we work to repair the damage to our economy from this recession(衰退,不景...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Moving Forward on the Economy

    10-07-26 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address The White House July 24, 2010 This week, I signed into law a Wall Street reform bill that will protect consumers and our entire economy from the recklessness(鲁莽,轻率) and...

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署金融改革法案1

    10-07-26 THE PRESIDENT: Well, good morning, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good morning. THE PRESIDENT: We are gathered in the heart of our nations capital, surrounded by memorials to leaders and citizens who served our nation in its earliest days and in its days of gr...

  • 奥巴马演讲 给美国的失业者提供救济

    10-07-26 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Right now, across this country, many Americans are sitting at the kitchen table, theyre scanning the classifieds(分类广告) , theyre updating their resumes or sending out another job application, hoping that...

  • Never Again Will the American Taxpayer

    10-01-25 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. I just had a very productive meeting with two members of my Economic Recovery Advisory Board: Paul Volcker, who's the former chair of the Federal Reserve Board; and Bill Donaldson, previously the head of the S...

  • Pushing Forward on Jobs

    09-12-15 Every month since January, when I became your President, Ive spoken to you about the periodic reports定期报告 of the Labor Department on the number of jobs created or lost during the previous month; numbers that tell a story about how Americas econo...

  • 英国09年经济比预计情况糟糕

    09-11-30 Chancellor Alistair Darling will say in his pre-Budget report that the economy performed worse in 2009 than he first predicted, Treasury sources have said. 英国财政部有消息称,财政大臣戴理德将要在预算报告中写道:2009年经济情况比预想的要糟糕。 The Pr...

  • 日本经济保持连续增长

    09-11-16 Figures released by the Japanese government show that the country's economy has grown for a second successive quarter. 日本政府发布的数据显示,日本经济连续两个季度保持增长。 Consumer prices in Japan are falling but demand remains shaky The world's s...

  • 英国经济仍然不景气

    09-10-26 The UK economy unexpectedly contracted by 0.4% between July and September, according to official figures, meaning the country is still in recession. 官方数据显示,第二季度英国经济意外地收缩了0.4%,这意味着其经济仍处于不景气状态。 Retail sales were f...

  • Recession in UK 'still not over' 英国经济衰退“仍未结束”

    09-10-13 A leading business group has cast doubt on whether the UK economy emerged from recession in the third quarter of 2009. 一个主要企业集团对于英国09年经济在第三季度能否拜托衰退持怀疑态度。 Confidence among manufacturers is at its highest level since ea...