• 西班牙16万买房获永久居留权

    12-11-25 西班牙政府拟推出新政,凡购买价值16万欧元及以上房产的外国人,将可获得西班牙永久居留权。 Spain is considering offering rich investors from countries such as Russia and China the right to settle in return for them buying up property in the stagnant(不...

  • 希腊七月份失业率创新高

    12-10-12 Unemployment in Greece hit a record 25.1% in July, with the level among young people reaching 54.2%, according to the latest official figures. 希腊最新官方数据显示,七月份失业率高达25.1%,其中年轻人失业率高达54.2%。 Greece's statistical authority sa...

  • 20国集团经济发展减慢

    12-09-14 The G20 group of leading world economies has reported slower growth in the three months ending in June. 主导世界经济的G20集团四月至六月期间经济增长放缓。 National output as measured by GDP grew at an annual rate of 3% in the second quarter compared...

  • 西班牙失业率创新高

    12-07-27 Some 5.7 million Spaniards, equivalent to almost one in four, are now seeking work, according to official figures. 官方统计数据显示,大约570万西班牙人相当于总人口的1/4目前正在寻找工作。 The country's unemployment rate rose to 24.6% during the April...

  • brief stopover 短暂停留

    12-05-03 French President Nicolas Sarkozy will make a brief stopover in Beijing to meet his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao on Thursday. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐周四将在北京短暂停留会晤中国国家主席胡锦涛。 报道中的brief stopover即短暂停留。Stopover一词意为中途停留...

  • 奥巴马演讲 掌控我们的能源未来

    12-03-10 Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the American auto industry, who are busy writing a new chapter in America's story. Just a few years ago, their industry was shedding hundreds of thousands of j...

  • 美第一夫人09年疑办奢华派对引争议

    12-01-14 《纽约时报》记者坎特日前在新书《奥巴马家庭》中揭露,美国第一夫人米歇尔在2009年万圣节期间在白宫举行主题派对,奢华活动的照片在美国经济衰退期间,显得十分刺眼。 A new book reports that the Obama White House hosted an extravagant(奢侈的) Alice in Wonde...

  • 调查:经济危机将重袭欧洲

    11-12-30 The vast majority of leading economists polled by the BBC believe recession will return to Europe next year. BBC的一项调查显示,绝大多数的经济学者认为经济危机明年将重袭欧洲。 One fifth said the eurozone would not exist in its current 17-member form,...

  • 经济衰退 英国离婚率上升

    11-12-10 The number of divorces rose for the first time in seven years last year. 去年,英国离婚数量自七年以来首次上升。 The destructive impact of the economic downturn was blamed for the increase, as families struggled to cope with the tensions caused by mo...

  • 英国:欧洲第二不适宜居住国家

    11-11-19 Two thirds of the British public fear that the UK is heading for another recession, a survey showed today. The news came as it was revealed that Britain has been rated the second worst country in Europe to live in. 今日发布的一项调查显示,三分之二的...