• 乌克兰总统宣布与反叛者终止停火协议

    14-07-01 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has ended a unilateral ceasefire with separatists in the east, saying: We will attack, we will free our land. 乌克兰总统佩特罗波罗申科宣布终止与东部叛乱分子的单边停火计划,宣称:我们将发动攻击,我们将解放自己的领...

  • 伊希斯叛军宣布建立“伊斯兰国家”

    14-06-30 Islamist militant group Isis has said it is establishing a caliphate, or Islamic state, on the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria. 伊斯兰激进分子组织伊希斯宣布在伊拉克和叙利亚已经控制的土地上建立一个伊斯兰王权,或者叫做伊斯兰国家。 It also pr...

  • 南苏丹反叛分子发动多起袭击

    14-04-23 Rebels in South Sudan are involved in fierce fighting with the army in several areas of the country, the military spokesman has told the BBC. 烦乱分子在南苏丹多个地区与军队发生激烈的战斗。 There is ongoing fighting in the north-east of Upper Nile St...

  • 叙利亚军方夺回库萨城

    13-06-05 Syrian pro-government forces have taken full control of the strategic town of Qusair, state TV and the rebels say. 叙利亚亲政府武装已占领战略之城库萨。 The town, near the Lebanese border, has been the centre of fighting for more than two weeks betwe...

  • 南苏丹某反叛组织缴械投降

    13-04-27 Some 3,000 fighters from one of South Sudan's biggest rebels groups, the SSLA, have handed in their weapons, officials say. 南苏丹一个最大的反叛组织中大约3000名战士交出了他们的武器。 The former rebels have been given a presidential pardon The former...

  • 马里伊斯兰教武装占领高城

    12-06-28 Islamist forces in northern Mali have seized the town of Gao after clashes with Tuareg-led rebels. 马里北部地区伊斯兰教武装在与图阿雷格部落领导的叛军发生冲突之后占领了高城。 At least 20 people have been killed and the political leader of the Tuareg-...

  • 苏丹军队占领叛军要塞Kurmuk

    11-11-04 Sudanese forces have captured the key rebel stronghold of Kurmuk in the border state of Blue Nile, government and rebel sources said. 苏丹政府与反叛分子证实,苏丹军队已经占领边界青尼罗省的叛军要塞Kurmuk。 Sudan's defence ministry said the rebels lef...

  • 利比亚反对派$170万悬赏卡扎菲人头

    11-08-25 Libyan rebels have announced an amnesty for anyone within Col Muammar Gaddafi's inner circle who captures or kills him, and a $1.7m (1m) reward. 利比亚反对派宣布,卡扎菲核心集团内的任何人抓到或杀死他,都将获得特赦和170万美元奖励。 Col Gaddafi's wher...

  • 美国:不排除武装利比亚叛军的可能

    11-03-30 US President Barack Obama has said he does not rule out arming the rebels seeking to overthrow Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. 美国总统奥巴马宣称,为打倒利比亚领导卡扎菲,美国不排除帮助武装利比亚叛军的可能。 He said in an interview that Col G...

  • 索马里反叛者袭击议会

    10-05-17 Islamist rebels attacked Somalia's parliament as it met for the first time this year, in clashes which led to the deaths of at least 11 people. 伊斯兰教反叛者袭击了索马里议会,此次冲突造成至少11人死亡。 Rebels fired mortars from a market and AU peac...