• 老鼠利用胡须在黑暗中辨路

    14-07-08 The way rats use their whiskers(胡须,腮须) is more similar to how humans use their hands and fingers than previously thought, new research from the University of Sheffield has found. Rats deliberately change how they sense their environment using...

  • 记忆的擦除与恢复

    14-06-04 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have erased and reactivated memories in rats, profoundly altering the animals' reaction to past events. The study, published in the June 1 advanced online issue of the journal...

  • 社会经历能激发鼠类的亲社会行为

    14-01-15 Empathy-driven behavior has been observed in rats who will free trapped companions from restrainers. This behavior also extends toward strangers, but requires prior, positive social interactions with the type (strain) of the unfamiliar individual, r...

  • 鼹鼠对致癌物有高抵抗性

    13-09-04 Like naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus gaber), blind mole-rats (of the genus Spalax) live underground in low-oxygen environments, are long-lived and resistant to cancer. A new study demonstrates just how cancer-resistant Spalax are, and suggests that...

  • 科学家发现使裸鼢鼠免疫癌症的化合物

    13-06-20 Two researchers at the University of Rochester have discovered the chemical that makes naked mole rats cancer-proof. The findings could eventually lead to new cancer treatments in people, said study authors Andrei Seluanov and Vera Gorbunova. Their...

  • 伊朗变异巨鼠泛滥成灾

    13-03-10 Tehran, the capital of Iran, is battling an invasion of genetically mutated giant rats. Iran has sent in sniper teams to clear Tehran's streets of the massive rodents weighting up to five kilos plaguing 26 districts of the Iranian capital, the city'...

  • 地下鼠类如何对付癌症

    12-11-06 Biologists at the University of Rochester have determined how blind mole rats fight off cancer -- and the mechanism differs from what they discovered three years ago in another long-lived and cancer-resistant mole rat species, the naked mole rat. Th...

  • 裸鼹鼠研究对缓解疼痛有一定启发

    12-09-24 Naked mole-rats evolved to thrive in an acidic environment that other mammals, including humans, would find intolerable. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago report new findings as to how these rodents have adapted to this environmen...

  • 长寿啮齿动物有完善的大脑保护机制

    12-05-14 The typical naked mole rat lives 25 to 30 years, during which it shows little decline in activity, bone health, reproductive capacity and cognitive ability. What is the secret to this East African rodent's long, healthy life? Scientists from the Uni...

  • 基因组测序解开裸鼢鼠未解之谜

    11-10-13 BGI, the world's largest genomic organization, announced that an international team of researchers from Korea, China and the U.S. has, for the first time, demonstrated the physiology and longevity of the naked mole rats (NMR) in terms of genomics an...