• 老外常用的感叹词 下

    22-05-10 rats rat作为名词一般用来指代老鼠;卑鄙小人等这些令人厌恶的人或物。而rats在口语中作为感叹词使用的话,则是胡说;瞎扯;讨厌的意思。 Rats! Its just no use! 胡说!这都没法用! Oh rats! Im afraid dads going to preach again. 讨厌!恐怕老爸又要说教我了。 tu...

  • 10个关于动物的鲜为人知的事实

    22-03-24 1. Trained African giant pouched rats have found thousands of unexploded landmines and bombs. Researchers have also trained these rats to detect tuberculosis. And most recently they are training them to sniff out poached wildlife trophies being expo...

  • 消灭老鼠可以保护珊瑚礁

    21-04-02 饱受非议的老鼠不是一种能让人们联想起珊瑚礁的生物。但在热带岛屿上研究珊瑚礁的科学家们称,这类动物直接威胁到珊瑚礁周围生态系统的生存。 On the tropical Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean, this is the sound of rat-free territory teeming with birdlife. T...

  • 看中国司机用来防鼠的汽车“裙子”

    16-08-19 These are the bizarre skirts Chinese motorists have designed to protect their cars from rats. 这些就是中国司机设计的用来防鼠的奇葩裙子。 The troublesome rodents had been spotted inside the cars and causing serious damage by gnawing through wiring. N...

  • 柬埔寨训练老鼠用来扫雷

    16-03-04 It's been a busy morning for Cletus, Meynard, Victoria and others of their furry band. Tiny noses and long whiskers twitching, they've scurried and sniffed their way across 775 square meters of fields to eliminate a scourge that has killed thousands...

  • 姑息养鼠

    15-08-12 A man in Yongzhou was afraid that doing things on certain days would bring misfortune. As he was born in the year of zi, and the rat was considered the deity of zi, he especially shielded it. He not only didn't keep cats and dogs, but also wouldn't...

  • 东氏养猫

    15-08-07 In ancient times, a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats. He kept over 100 cats in his home, which caught and ate all the rats in the house. Later, as there were no more rats, the cats were so hungry that...

  • 老鼠会对溺水的同类伸出援爪

    15-05-15 Rats have more heart than you might think. When one is drowning, another will put out a helping paw to rescue its mate. This is especially true for rats that previously had a watery near-death experience, says Nobuya Sato and colleagues of the Kwans...

  • 糖类对幼鼠的记忆力有不良影响

    14-10-09 Studying rats as model subjects, scientists found that adolescents were at an increased risk of suffering negative health effects from sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Adolescent rats that freely consumed large quantities of liquid solutions co...