• as short-sighted as mice 鼠目寸光

    20-02-11 今年是鼠年,中文里有许多与鼠有关的成语,下面一起来学习一个鼠字成语吧。 鼠目寸光,字面意思是老鼠的眼睛只能看到一寸远(The eyes of a rat can see only an inch of light )。用来形容目光短浅,没有远见,可以翻译为as short-sighted as mice,see no further t...

  • 生活实用:鼠年说鼠--和Rat有关的三个英语表达

    20-02-02 smell a rat 字面意思翻译为我闻到一只老鼠,记住千万不要这样翻译,这句话的意思是感觉什么事情不正常、奇怪、不对头的意思。用英语解释就是 feel that something is wrong。 Hes been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat! 他这周每天晚上...

  • 属鼠人的性格特征

    16-02-05 People born in the Year of the Rat are one of the most industrious and hardest working in the zodiac. Forever busy in pursuit of an ambitious personal goal, at times they may become difficult to work with since they are born perfectionists. Rats mus...

  • 印尼发现一种新鼠类

    13-09-21 A prominent tuft(一簇) of spiny hair on the back, a white tail tip and three pairs of teats(乳头) represent the unique set of characteristics describing a new genus of rat which has been discovered in the Moluccan province of Indonesia. This reg...

  • 非洲黄冠鼠利用有毒植物抵御捕食者

    11-08-03 Woe to the clueless predator trying to make a meal of the African crested rat, a rodent(啮齿类) that applies poisonous plant toxin to sponge-like hairs on its flanks, a discovery recently made by Jonathan Kingdon and colleagues from the National M...

  • Brave Rats

    11-04-11 Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about(吹嘘,炫耀) their bravery and toughness. The first says, I'm so tough, once I ate a whole bagful of rat poison! The second says, Well I'm so tough, once I was caught in a rat trap and I bit...

  • 《我是明星》节目两获胜者面临虐待动物指控

    09-12-07 I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! winner Gino D'Acampo and Stuart Manning face charges of animal cruelty after cooking and eating a rat in the show. 《我是明星...让我离开这里?方谀炕袷ふ逩ino D'Acampo和Stuart Manning因在节目中烹饪并吃掉一只老鼠...

  • 裸鼹鼠对脑缺氧研究或有帮助

    09-12-01 Blind, nearly hairless, and looking something like toothy(露出牙齿的), plump(圆胖的,丰满的), pink fingers, naked mole rats(鼹鼠) may rank among nature's most maligned(有害的,恶性的) creatures, but their unusual physiology(生理学) endears...

  • Spinal advance gets rats running 脊髓实验使白鼠重新运动

    09-09-22 Hopes that people with spinal injuries could one day regain leg movement have been raised by research in rats. 有脊髓损伤的人将来某一天可能恢复腿部动作的希望随着在白鼠身上的实验而被提升。 Spinal injuries can be very difficult to treat US, Russian an...

  • Giant rat found in 'lost volcano' 巴布亚新几内亚死火山附近发

    09-09-07 A new species of giant rat has been discovered deep in the jungle of Papua New Guinea. 巴布亚新几内亚丛林深处发现一种新巨鼠。 The rat, which has no fear of humans, measures 82cm long, placing it among the largest species of rat known anywhere in the...