• 为什么我们要用雨水冲马桶

    16-03-08 If you live in one of four major U.S. cities chances are you're letting the benefits of a ubiquitous natural resource go right down the drain -- when it could be used to cut down your water bill. Research by a team of Drexel University environmental...

  • 印度投资7500万预测降雨

    12-07-02 India is launching a $75m scheme using computer models to understand the south-west monsoon and forecast the rains more accurately, officials say. 印度将投资7500万美元利用计算机研究西南季风模型和更准确的预测降雨。 India receives 80% of its annual ra...

  • 孟加拉国暴雨引发泥石流 50多人死亡

    12-06-27 Heavy rains causing multiple landslides over the past three days have killed at least 50 people in south-east Bangladesh, officials say. 孟加拉国东南部地区最近三天连降暴雨,引发多处泥石流灾害,造成至少50人死亡。 Officials are describing it as the wo...

  • 尼日利亚发生洪灾 102人死亡

    11-09-01 At least 102 people are now thought to have been killed by floods in and around the south-western Nigerian city of Ibadan, the Nigerian Red Cross says. 尼日利亚红十字会宣称,西南部城市伊巴丹发生洪灾,至少102人死亡。 Floodwater, resulting from heavy...

  • 巴西里约热内卢发生洪灾 250人死亡

    11-01-13 More than 250 people have died in towns near Rio de Janeiro as heavy rains continue to cause flooding and mudslides in south-eastern Brazil. 巴西东南部地区里约热内卢附近遭到持续暴雨袭击,引发的洪灾和泥石流使250多人死亡。 Overnight downpours triggere...

  • 贝宁遭遇洪灾 43人死亡

    10-10-19 The United Nations says two-thirds of the West African nation of Benin is flooded after heavy rains. 联合国发言人称,西非国家贝宁三分之二的地区遭遇暴雨引发的洪灾。 At least 43 people have been killed in recent weeks, according to UN officials, and n...

  • 南苏丹乌书勒地区遭洪水淹没

    10-09-02 Some 57,000 people have been forced from their homes because of dramatic floods in south-western Sudan over the past month, health officials say. 苏丹卫生官员称,过去的一个月中苏丹西南部地区大约57000人因洪水被迫离开家园。 Rivers near Aweil have brok...

  • 尼日尔河决堤 五千人受灾

    10-08-11 Some five thousand people in Niger lost their homes and crops after the River Niger burst its banks at the weekend. 上周末,尼日尔河决堤,导致大约五千人失去了家园和庄稼。 Thousands of homes have been flooded in and around Niamey The West African cou...

  • 中国西南地区发生泥石流灾害

    10-07-13 At least three people have died in landslides triggered by torrential rains in south-west China, local government officials said. 中国地方政府官员称,中国西南部地区发生由暴雨引发的泥石流灾害,至少三人死亡。 Urban areas, such as Hebei, Wuhan, have al...

  • 乌干达发生泥石流灾害 100多人遇难

    10-03-03 More than 100 people have been killed in a landslide in the mountainous eastern region of Bududa in Uganda, a minister has told the BBC. 乌干达国土东部山区发生泥石流 ,100多人遇难。 Minister for Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru has gone to the remo...