• 委内瑞拉反对派领导洛佩斯受到审判

    14-07-24 The trial of one of Venezuela's main opposition leaders, Leopoldo Lopez, has begun in the capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉对主要反对派一位领导人莱奥波尔多洛佩斯的审判在首都加拉加斯展开。 Lilian Tintori holds a poster of her her husband, who has been in cu...

  • 委内瑞拉反政府抗议者阻断首都交通

    14-02-25 Anti-government protesters in Venezuela have erected barricades in the capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉反政府示威者在首都加拉加斯的道路上设置重重路障。 They placed burning rubbish and furniture on main roads in an attempt to bar access to the city. Opposi...

  • 印度某局长“享受强奸”言论遭谴责

    13-11-17 India's top police official was under fire Wednesday for saying, If you can't prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it. 印度中央调查局局长兰吉特辛哈12日称:如果你无法阻止强奸的发生,不妨去享受它。此言一出,便招致了全国上下的愤怒和谴责。 Central Bure...

  • 巴西总统承诺将进行重大改革

    13-06-25 Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has proposed a referendum on political reforms in an effort to tackle protests that have swept the country. 巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫提议对政治改革进行全民投票以解决横扫全国的抗议问题。 She also promised to boost spendi...

  • Anti-Japanese protest 反日游行

    13-03-18 Anti-Japanese protests erupted in more than a dozen Chinese cities on Sunday after a group of Japanese rightists landed on the Diaoyu Islands. 上周日,中国十几个城市都爆发了反日游行,抗议日本右翼分子登上钓鱼岛。 Anti-Japanese protests就是反日游行,...

  • 保加利亚一月内发生四起自焚事件

    13-03-14 For the fourth time in the past month, a Bulgarian has set fire to himself. 一位保加利亚人点火自焚,这是最近一个月以来的第四起自焚事件。 The man, 52, threw petrol over himself outside the presidential palace in Sofia, police said. Security guards ex...