• 中国公布嫦娥5号降落地点

    17-06-07 Chinas Change 5 lunar probe is expected to land in the Mons Rumker region, and to take moon samples back to earth at the end of the year, according to a Chinese space official. 中国嫦娥5号月球探测器预计将降落在吕姆克山地区,并将于年底前带标本返回地...

  • 中国将发射嫦娥5号返回式月球探测器

    17-01-23 China plans to launch the Change-5 lunar probe at the end of November this year, from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in southern Chinas Hainan Province, aboard the heavy-lift carrier rocket Long March-5. 中国计划于今年11月底在海南文昌航天发射场用...

  • 2017中国探测器将从月球带回土壤样本

    17-01-04 Chinas unmanned lunar probe Change-5, set to be launched around December 2017, will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth, says Wu Yanhua, deputy chief of the China National Space Administration. 中国国家航天局副局长吴艳华表示,无人月球探测器嫦娥5...

  • 中国将于2020年发射火星探测器

    16-03-09 China is planning to launch a Mars probe in 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet. 中国计划于2020年发射火星探测器,对这颗红色的星球进行自主探索。 The probe is expected to reach Mars in 2021 after a flight of around ten month...

  • 中国计划向月球北面发射探测车

    15-09-09 China's space administration says it's planning to become the first to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon. 中国航天局计划首次向月球北面发射探测车。 A Chinese lunar probe scientist has told a forum the mission will be carried out before 2...

  • anti-monopoly probe 反垄断调查

    12-08-30 Anti-monopoly probe into telecom giants confirmed: The two domestic telecom giants are being investigated over alleged monopolistic practices, the first such case involving large State-owned enterprises. 发改委确认对两电信巨头开展反垄断调查:国内两...

  • 欧洲航天局将探险木星

    12-05-03 The European Space Agency (Esa) is to mount a billion-euro mission to Jupiter and its icy moons. 欧洲太空总署将斥资10亿欧元探险木星以及它的冰冷的卫星。 The probe, called Juice, has just been approved at a meeting of member state delegations in Paris...

  • 微型植入式传感器可全程监视疾病发展情况

    10-03-29 Tiny chemical sensors implanted into patients could help diagnose disease and track its progress, following a development by scientists. Researchers have developed tiny probes comprising gold-coated particles. These can be inserted into cells, enabl...

  • 奥巴马下令对枪击案罪犯进行深入调查

    09-11-13 US President Barack Obama has ordered a review of the way intelligence agencies handled information over an army major suspected of killing 13 people.、 美国总统奥巴马下令对胡特军事基地枪击案疑犯进行深入调查。 The attack was one of the worst at a US...

  • IBM 'in anti-competition probe' IBM接受“反竞争调查”

    09-10-09 IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour, a computer industry trade body has said. 一个电脑工业贸易机构称,IBM因被指认反竞争行为而接受美国司法部调查。 IBM denies any wrongdoing The Comp...