• 《Juno》朱诺

    20-11-28 Juno is a 2007 comedy-drama film directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody. Ellen Page stars as the title character, an independent-minded teenager confronting an unplanned pregnancy and the subsequent events that put pressures of adult l...

  • 柏林动物园将有熊猫幼仔降生

    19-08-15 Zoo Berlin, dubbed the most species-rich zoo worldwide, is getting ready to welcome one or two newborn panda cubs. 柏林动物园,号称世界上物种最丰富的动物园,正准备迎接一或两只熊猫幼仔的降生。 The panda couple, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, sent by China...

  • 孕期喝酒会改变胎儿颅面发育

    17-06-16 Just a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy could alter your childs facial features, a new study claims. 一项新研究称,怀孕期间只喝几杯酒也会改变胎儿的面部特征。 It has long been seen that alcohol can infect a fetus, causing developmental dela...

  • 伴侣怀孕时 男性睾丸素会降低

    16-09-18 A new study found that men show shifts in behavior from mating-oriented to parent-oriented while their partners pregnancy develops. These changes are determined by changes in testosterone levels across pregnancy and hormonal linkage with their partn...

  • 哮喘会延缓怀孕的进程

    16-02-14 Asthma has been associated with a prolonged time to pregnancy and a decreased birth rate in a new clinical observation study. Published today (12 February, 2016) in the European Respiratory Journal, the research adds to previous studies that have id...

  • 查尔斯希望即将到来的皇家宝宝是个小公主

    14-09-12 据《镜报》9月9日报道,查尔斯王储表示他希望即将到来的皇家宝宝是个小公主。威尔士亲王告诉祝福的人们:这太棒了,我很高兴我又可以当一次爷爷了。 我非常期待宝宝的诞生但我希望这次会是个女孩儿。 Charles, 65, told of his delight that son William and his wife...

  • 凯特王妃已确认再度怀孕

    14-09-12 英国皇室办公室公布消息称,威廉王子之妻凯特王妃已确认再度怀孕。英国伊丽莎白女王、首相卡梅伦以及其他皇室成员均对此表示祝贺。 Prince William spoke openly yesterday of his concern for his poorly wife just hours after royal officials were forced to annou...