• 成都一只大熊猫为改善生活质量伪装怀孕

    14-08-29 A giant panda slated to be the star of the first-ever live broadcast of the birth of panda cubs has lost the role -- after it was discovered the bear is not pregnant after all, Chinese state media reported. 一只大熊猫按计划本能成为第一个被直播生产幼...

  • 孕妇驾车发生车祸的几率显著提高

    14-05-14 Pregnancy is associated with a significant risk of a serious car crash requiring emergency medical care during the second trimester(中期妊娠) , according to a research paper published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Traffic mishaps...

  • 全球孕产妇死亡率下降

    14-05-07 Maternal deaths have fallen worldwide, dropping by 45% since 1990, according to new figures. 最新数据显示,1990年以来全世界范围内的孕产妇死亡率下降45%。 The statistics, released by the World Health Organization, also provide new evidence on the caus...

  • 美国58岁妇女为女儿代孕外甥女

    14-01-13 A 58-year-old Utah woman is set to give birth in a few weeks -- to her first grandchild. 美国犹他州普洛佛,一名58岁的妇女未来几周内即将产下她的第一个外甥女。 Julia Navarro is serving as a gestational surrogate for her daughter and son-in-law after t...

  • 近年美国的人口出生率持续走低

    13-12-20 Fertility rates in the United States are continuing their decades-long decline, due in large part to a steep slide in teenage pregnancies down to historic lows, according to a new government report released recently. 美国政府近期发布的工作报告指出,...

  • 纽约中学向女生发避孕药

    12-09-29 纽约市卫生部门在13所公立中学推出一个名为青少年与全面健康的试点项目,允许这些学校为女生发放紧急避孕药,希望以此降低青少年怀孕率。纽约也因此成为美国首个为学生发放处方紧急避孕药的城市。 The pilot program that allows teens to access the contraceptive dr...

  • 英国妇女非法流产被判刑

    12-09-18 A woman who aborted her own baby in the final phase of her pregnancy has been jailed for eight years. 英国一名妇女在怀孕后期使胎儿流产被判入狱八年。 Sarah Louise Catt, 35, of Sherburn-in-Elmet, North Yorkshire, took a drug when she was full term, 39...

  • 梦露性取向被质疑

    12-07-31 Marilyn Monroe, the world's number one sex symbol and the most desirable woman on the planet, was not the man-eating siren that her image suggested, it has been revealed. 有爆料称,玛丽莲梦露,世界头号性感女神,地球上男人最想得到的女人,并非如她动人...

  • 澳女性在加早产 费用达百万

    12-03-31 Australia's foreign affairs minister is looking into the case of a Sydney couple stuck with a million dollar hospital bill after their daughter was born in Vancouver last August. 悉尼一位女性去年八月在加拿大温哥华产女,但夫妇两人却因此被迫支付高达百...

  • 孕妇进行化疗对胎儿似乎没有影响

    11-09-27 Children born after their mothers were treated with chemotherapy during pregnancy appear to be unaffected by the experience in terms of the development of their mental processes and the normal functioning of their hearts, according to new research p...