• Party building 党的建设

    13-08-21 All Party members must focus on strengthening the Party's governance capacity, advanced nature and purity. 全党要牢牢把握加强党的执政能力建设、先进性和纯洁性建设这条主线。 Combating corruption and promoting political integrity, which is a major poli...

  • 嘻哈乐:从舞会音乐到政治舞台

    13-08-11 A new University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College study explores the evolution of hip-hop from party music into a political platform. Todd Callais, an assistant professor of sociology, criminology, and criminal justice at UC-Blue Ash, focused on the h...

  • 叙利亚一高官被枪杀

    13-07-18 A senior Syrian official, has been shot dead in the southern Lebanese town of Sarafand. 一位叙利亚高级官员在黎巴嫩南部城市Sarafand被射杀。 Mr Jamo was a strong defender of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Mr Jamo, a supporter of Syrian President Bas...

  • 南美三国为斯诺登提供政治庇护

    13-07-08 The presidents of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia have indicated their countries could offer political asylum to US fugitive Edward Snowden. 尼加拉瓜、委内瑞拉和玻利维亚三国总统表示,他们的国家可以向美国逃犯爱德华斯诺登提供政治庇护。 Venezuela's Ni...

  • political structure reform 政治体制改革

    13-06-06 On political structure reform -- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. -- We should place hig...

  • The Political Bureau 政治局

    13-06-06 The Political Bureau, Its Standing Committee and the General Secretary They are all elected by the plenary session of the Central Committee. When the plenum of the Central Committee is not in session, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee...

  • 年轻女性对竞选不感兴趣的原因

    13-03-27 Despite some very high-profile female candidates and elected officials, and what looks like a changing landscape of U.S. politics, a new study conducted by American University professor and director of its Women and Politics Institute Jennifer L. La...

  • 抽象思维能提高人的政治稳健性

    12-11-05 Partisans beware! Some of your most cherished political attitudes may be malleable(可塑的) ! Researchers report that simply answering three why questions on an innocuous(无伤大雅的) topic leads people to be more moderate in their views on an oth...

  • 朝鲜展示金正日巨型雕像

    12-02-15 A giant statue of Kim Jong-il has been unveiled ahead of Thursday's celebrations of the 70th anniversary of his birthday. 本周四金正日诞辰70周年之际,他的一座巨大的雕像被揭下面纱。 The late Kim Jong-il (right) is also awarded the highest title of Ge...

  • 姚明当选上海政协委员

    12-01-20 已经退役的NBA球星姚明为他的后篮球时代履历又增加了浓重的一笔政治他成为上海政治协商会议委员会常委。 Yao Ming Now Big Man in Shanghai Politics When news broke that Chinese NBA superstar Yao Ming was planning to hang up his jersey(运动衫) last summer...