• organizational punishment 组织处理

    21-04-06 中共中央办公厅近日印发《中国共产党组织处理规定(试行)》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真遵照执行。通知指出,组织处理是教育干部、管理干部的必备手段,是全面从严治党的重要措施。 The General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee has...

  • 黄英豪:完善香港选举制度

    21-03-11 香港中华出入口商会副会长黄英豪在接受中国日报线采上访时表示,稳定之下的香港将能够向前发展,并有空间讨论如何解决与香港经济和民生相关的一些问题。 A draft decision on improving Hong Kongs electoral system was submitted to the annual session of the 13th...

  • political building 政治建设

    20-12-31 中共中央政治局于12月24日至25日召开民主生活会,强调加强政治建设,提高政治能力,坚守人民情怀。 The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has stressed strengthening political building in a two-day meeting that conclud...

  • 特蕾莎·梅宣布6月8日提前大选

    17-04-23 UK Prime Minister Theresa May has announced plans to call a snap general election on 8 June. 英国首相特蕾莎梅宣布计划于6月8日提前举行大...

  • 直截了当的说话方式似乎是特朗普的制胜法宝

    17-03-16 Like no President before him, Donald Trump has threatened to change forever the way in which politics is done. 在特朗普之前,从没有一个总统能像他那样威胁到政治方式,使其从此发生改变。 His barnstorming speeches and Twitter tirades frequently grab col...

  • I Woke Up

    17-01-03 I Woke Up Jameson Fitzpatrick and it was political. I made coffee and the coffee was political. I took a shower and the water was. I walked down the street in short shorts and a Bob Mizer tank top and they were political, the walking and the shorts...

  • 特朗普锁定共和党候选人提名 吃麦当劳庆祝

    16-05-31 Donald Trump on Thursday reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and sets the stage for a bitter fall campaign. 本周四,唐纳德特朗...

  • 美国为何没有工党

    16-05-31 The improbable rise of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign presents an interesting question: why is Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, running as a Democrat? McGill University sociologist Barry Eidlin examines this question through an...

  • Xi political economics 习近平政治经济学

    16-04-28 President Xi Jinpings insights on Chinas political and economic development, dubbed Xi political economics , have reverberated through the Great Hall of the People throughout the yearly key political events. 在今年两会期间,习近平政治经济学,也就是...

  • 政府不稳定促使选民偏爱浅肤色候选人

    16-01-13 Government instability prompts both Black and White Americans to show a preference for lighter-skinned over darker-skinned political candidates, researchers at New York University, the University of Chicago, and Rutgers University have found. In add...