• 人文知识练习附讲解 35

    21-10-17 1. Its generally known that the First book of American is ___ by John Smith. A A True Relation of Virginia B The True Travels of Captain John Smith C Map of the Bay and the Rivers D A Description of New England 2. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in...

  • 英国文学

    21-10-09 1. ____refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. A. Allegory B. Conflict C. Irony D. Flashback 2. ___was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England. A. Tennyson B. Robert Browning C. Mrs. Browning D. Robert Bur...

  • 英国文学知识

    21-10-04 1.____refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. A. Allegory B. Conflict C. Irony D. Flashback 2.___was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England. A. Tennyson B. Robert Browning C. Mrs.Browning D. Robert Burns...

  • 中英混血诗人Sarah Howe获艾略特诗歌奖

    16-01-14 A Hong Kong-born poet, who judges say will change British poetry, has won the prestigious TS Eliot poetry prize. 一位在香港出生的诗人获得享誉盛名的艾略特诗歌奖,评委称她将改变英国诗歌。 Sarah Howe was awarded the 20,000 pound prize for Loop of Jade,...

  • 铁棒成针

    15-07-16 Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China. It is said that in his childhood, he was very fond of playing and afraid of difficulties, and made slow progress in his studies. One day, on his way home after school, he walked by a creek and sa...

  • 阿根廷诗人胡安·赫尔曼辞世

    14-01-15 Argentine poet Juan Gelman has died aged 83 in Mexico City. He is considered to be one of the greatest authors in Spanish and was awarded the prestigious Cervantes Prize in 2007. 阿根廷诗人胡安赫尔曼在墨西哥城辞世,享年83岁。他被认为是西班牙最伟大的...

  • 瑞典诗人荣获2011诺贝尔文学奖

    11-10-07 Swedish poet Tomas Transtroemer has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for Literature. 瑞典诗人托马斯特朗斯特罗姆被授予2011年诺贝尔文学奖。 Transtroemer is Scandinavia's best-known living poet The Royal Swedish Academy named him the recipient because...

  • 智力法官下令调查诗人聂鲁达之死

    11-06-03 A judge in Chile has ordered an investigation into the death, in 1973, of the Nobel prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, following allegations he may have been poisoned. 一位智利法官要求对1973年诺贝尔获奖诗人巴勃罗聂鲁达之死展开调查,有消息称他是被毒死...

  • The Name of a Poet 诗人的名字

    10-05-28 The Name of a Poet Our teacher was telling us about a new system of memory training being used in some schools today. It works like this, she said. Suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poetRobert Burns, for instance. She told us to think of...

  • Punk poet Jim Carroll dies at 60 朋克诗人Jim Carroll逝世

    09-09-15 US writer and musician Jim Carroll, best know for writing The Basketball Diaries, has died in New York aged 60 following a heart attack. 美国作家、音乐家、因创作篮球日记而闻名的Jim Carroll,因心脏病发作逝于纽约,享年60岁。 Carroll wrote about his wi...
