• toss-up 扔上去

    22-01-04 动词 toss 的意思是扔,掷。如果某个形势被形容为 a toss-up, 那么就意味着两种不同结果发生的几率是一样的。 例句 Its a toss-up between pancakes and risotto tonight. Im not sure what to cook yet. We havent recruited a presenter yet, but its a toss-up betw...

  • bear with me 耐心点儿

    21-12-24 如果你对某人说 bear with me 你的意思是要对方耐心点儿或耐心等一等。 例句 Please bear with me while I make this phone call. Ill be with you shortly. I went to the hospital and the queue was very long. They asked me to bear with them as there was an ep...

  • hang on 等等

    21-12-24 短语 hang on 的直接翻译是挂在什么东西上面,就像图中显示的那样。更常用的意思是请他人稍等片刻。 例句 Can you hang on for five minutes? Id like to come with you but I need to make a phone call first. Hang on a minute dont leave without trying some choc...

  • Tom, Dick and Harry 任何人,随便什么人

    21-12-17 短语 Tom, Dick and Harry 字面上是三个常见英文人名,实际含义是指任何人,随便什么人。 例句 Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a mobile phone these days. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can tie their shoelaces - its not difficult. It was so crowded at the party - wh...

  • 躺玩手机 当心高眼压

    21-12-13 关上灯,爬上床,拿起手机,美好的夜生活仿佛才刚刚开始 你是不是也常常边刷手机边感叹:网上有意思的内容也太多了吧!但是你有没有发现,当你一心盯着手机看时,就会忘记了眨眼。 Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with...

  • to blow a fuse 勃然大怒

    21-12-09 电路中保险丝的英文单词是 fuse。当电流过强时,保险丝会被烧断,我们通常用动词 break 或 blow 来描述这个状况,即 the fuse breaks 或 the fuse blows。日常生活中,如果说一个人 blows a fuse 把保险丝烧坏了,指此人突然间因某事而勃然大怒、大发雷霆。 例句 When...

  • Forget it.

    21-10-21 1 不要在意 假如你不小心做了一件错事,感到非常愧疚和伤心时,有人来安慰你说forget it,对方的意思就是让你别在意这个事。 例句: - Sorry, I didnt phone. -对不起,我没有打电话来。 - Forget it. -没关系。 2 别说了,省省吧 要是发现别人忍无可忍之后对你说了一句...

  • 辨析fine和finely

    21-10-14 Fine 和 finely 之间的差别可不只是有无词尾 -ly 而已,要想掌握 fine 与 finely 各自的用法,首先需要了解它们的词性。在这两个词当中,哪个是方式副词,哪个是程度副词?哪个还可以作形容词使用? 用法总结 1 Fine 作副词用时,为方式副词,指 以令人满意的方式做某...

  • bear with me 耐心等一等

    21-08-16 如果你对某人说 bear with me 你的意思是要对方耐心点儿或耐心等一等。 例句 Please bear with me while I make this phone call. Ill be with you shortly. I went to the hospital and the queue was very long. They asked me to bear with them as there was an ep...

  • old hat 陈腐过时的

    21-08-02 如果什么东西因年久而被视为陈腐过时了的时候,那么就可以用这个比喻性短语老帽子来形容。 例句 DVDs are so old hat. I only buy movies online now and download them directly. I havent been to a bank in ages. Its a bit old hat now. I do all my banking on my...