• 手机控的拇指会比其他人大15%

    16-06-18 One of the trend recently researchers have realized is the thumb size of mobile phone fans. 最近,研究者们意识到了一种趋势,那就是手机控们的拇指大...

  • 2020年华为销售目标1500亿美元

    16-06-03 Huawei, one of the worlds largest telecom equipment makers, will endeavor to push its sales revenue up to 150 billion dollars by 2020, higher than the GDP of countries like Spain and South Korea, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei raised the ambiti...

  • Who this phone belongs to 谁的手机

    16-05-12 There age several men in the locker room of a private club after exercising. Suddenly a call phone that was on one of the benches rings. A man picks it up and the following conversation ensues: Hello? Honey, Its me. Are you at the club? Yes. Great!...

  • yellular 喊叫模式

    16-05-08 Yellular is the loudness one adopts in response to a bad cell-phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection. Yellular指手机信号不好的时候提高音量讲话的状态,好像那样大声讲话手机信号就能变好一样。我们可以称为...

  • friendly fade 友好分手

    16-05-04 Friendly fade is a passive-aggressive method to break up with a friend without being hurtful. This method is NOT an abrupt process and can apply to just about anyone. Care should be taken when choosing this strategy: Friendly fade是用消极被动但意图...

  • Brave Mother

    16-04-03 Partricia Pania never wanted to be a national public figure. All she wanted to be was a mother and a homemaker. But her life was turned upside down when a motorist district by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car. The...

  • 通过短信盗取用户信息的新式手机病毒

    16-02-26 Recently, China's Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) has intercepted a new type of phone virus among Chinese phone users, CCTV news reported. 中国中央电视台新闻报道,国家计算机病毒应急处理中心近期在手机用户中截获一种新式手机病毒。 The...

  • phantom vibration syndrome 幻觉振动综合症

    16-02-23 Do you ever think your mobile phone is ringing or vibrating when it's not? That's called phantom vibration syndrome . 你曾经听到手机铃声响起,或感到手机在振动,事后又发现没有么?这被称之为幻觉振动综合症。 Phantom vibration syndrome isn't really harm...

  • M-commerce 移动商务

    16-01-28 M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cell phone and tablets. Known as next-generation e-commerce, m-commerce enables users to access the Internet without needing to fi...

  • inattentional deafness 疏忽性耳聋

    16-01-28 Have you ever been ignored when trying to talk to someone playing a video game? Or missed your train stop because you didn't hear the announcer when you were checking your phone? 你是否有过在某人玩游戏时试图跟ta讲话但被忽略的经历?或者有没有在玩手机...