• 胆小者慎玩 极限捏手机

    15-10-17 Move over extreme sports, 'extreme phone pinching' is guaranteed to deliver an adrenaline rush like never before. Warning: It's not for the faint-hearted. 极限运动靠边站,现在是极限捏手机时代。据说这种活动会令人体肾上腺素分泌暴增,刺激性可以说前所未...

  • brain fart 大脑短路

    15-09-25 It happens to you all the time. You're mid-sentence during a meeting with your boss, working on The New York Times' crossword puzzle, typing up an essay for grad school, or even talking to your mom on the phone -- and the next word you're looking fo...

  • A fib

    15-09-06 I was six years old, my sister, Sally Kay, was a submissive three-year-old girl. For some reasons, I thought we needed to earn some money. I decided we should hire out as maids. Wevisited the neighbors, offering to clean houses for them for a quater...

  • 韩国公司设计“手机雨伞”

    15-08-23 South Korean company kt design has come up with a 'phone-brella' that has a specially designed C-shaped handle that easily loops over a user's wrist. 韩国kt设计公司创造了一种手机雨伞。这款雨伞的手柄设计是别致的C形,雨伞手柄就可以轻易地环绕在用户的手...

  • Walden Zone 瓦尔登区

    15-08-20 We spend all day surrounded by beeping, blinking gizmos. Wouldn't it be nice to have a room in your home designated as a place with no communications devices? One writer has coined a new phrase for this idea: a Walden Zone. 我们每天被各种设备的提示...

  • 可以来电震动的智能戒指

    15-08-17 While Apple, Olio and Opening Ceremony are already tinkering with premium materials in the smartwatch space, other wearable devices haven't received just as much love. 虽然Apple、Olio以及Opening Ceremony公司纷纷已经在智能手表领域推出了采用高端材料制...

  • 10个有用的海滩度假攻略

    15-07-31 1 Bring along some baby powder Fed up of sandy skin after a day at the beach? Pack a small container of talcum powder to instantly dry out the sand that's usually impossible to get rid of. At the end of the day just rub it onto your skin and it remo...

  • whoopsie wave 被误会的招手

    15-07-30 Whoopsie wave describes the situation when you wave to someone you know and another person intercepts your wave mistakenly as if you are waving to them, e.g. caught in the crossfire of your wave. 被误会的招手指你跟你认识的人招手时,另外一个人误以为...

  • 京津冀区域将取消长途漫游费

    15-07-28 Mobile phone roaming charges for long distance calls are likely to be cancelled among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in a bid to promote regional integration. 为促进区域一体化,北京、天津与河北三地的手机长途漫游费可能会被取消。 The three regions are lik...

  • 美国教师课堂屏蔽手机信号被无薪停职五天

    15-06-12 A Florida high school teacher was suspended without pay on Tuesday for five days for using a cell phone jammer to block students' cell phone service at school. 佛罗里达州一位高中教师于近日因在班里使用信号屏蔽器来阻止学生上课玩手机,被无薪停职五天。...