15-05-21 Keeping a pet cat puts owners at greater risk of going blind, but a dog appears to protect eyesight, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究表明,养猫会增加主人失明的风险,但是养狗却能保护主人的视力。 Scientists have discovered that dogs and cats carry a...
14-12-13 For many people, a pet can be their most loyal companion - a trusted soul-mate with whom they experience the highs and lows of life. 对很多人来,宠物都是他们最忠实的伴侣是人生起落中值得信赖的灵魂伴侣。 A young boy rests his head against his loyal co...
14-11-20 Pet hubby refers to men considered by their wives as pet dogs, expected to be ordered around and swallow physical abuse and dressing down. 宠物男就是那些被老婆视为宠物狗一样的男人,宠物男对于女主人的要求必须全部履行并且有求必应。就算是拳打脚踢、训责...
14-03-27 A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet at its own home. The term comes from baby-sitter. 宠物保姆(pet sitter)指签订了雇佣合同,在宠物家中提供照看服务的人。该词源自于婴儿保姆(baby-sitter)一词。 The professional pet-...
10-09-19 Designers of robot pets are fighting a never-ending battle with consumers to provide entertaining and realistic gadgets(小配件,小工具) that respond to human interaction in ever more nuanced(微妙的) ways, mimicking the behavior of real pet anima...
10-07-31 The days of wondering whether your cats OK while youre away may have gone. 对于外出度假时不知该如何安置自家宠物猫这个问题,英国人最近找到了答案。 Sparky the cat relaxes beside in the Autumn Suite at Longcroft Luxury Cat Hotel. A new luxurious feline...
10-01-09 Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has taken time out of his busy schedule to indulge his imagination by penning a children's book featuring his family pets, a spokeswoman said Sunday. 澳大利亚政府一名女发言人上周日称,总理陆克文在繁忙的公务之外还...
09-10-31 最近,两位新西兰建筑师在他们新近出版的书中表示,猫和狗这两种全世界最普遍的家养宠物每年所消耗的能源比一辆汽车还要多。这本书名为《是时候把狗给吃了:可持续生活指南》,作者在书中指出,养一只中型犬对生态环境带来的影响跟一辆4.6升的陆地巡洋舰一年行驶1万公...
09-07-29 n this photo made Thursday, July 9, 2009, Pet Airways Co-founder Alysa Binder's dog, Zoe, walks by one of the upstart airline's aircraft in Omaha, Neb, United States. One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane's cargo hold was enough to conv...
09-07-29 英国动物慈善组织生病动物之家最近推出了今年的宠物展示大赛主题,面向全国征集最具名人脸的宠物,最终获胜的宠物主人将得到一台数码相机以及精美装裱的宠物照片。主办方表示,此次展示活动全程免费,只是在宠物主人提交参赛照片时会鼓励他们为生病动物之家捐出一英镑...