• 桌面物品的摆放方式可揭示人格特征

    21-02-25 你的桌面是乱七八糟还是整洁干净?英国一项心理学研究显示,桌上物品的摆放方式可以揭示人格特征。环境心理学家构思出了五种不同的书桌人格类型。那么你属于哪种呢?是内向极简型、还是惬意杂乱型? Are you the kind of person whose desk is always spick and span?...

  • personal goals for professional development 个人职业发展目标

    21-01-30 固定表达 personal goals for professional development 的意思是 为工作进步及职业发展而设定的个人目标。因为是 personal goals(个人目标) ,所以一定是某人为自己选择并树立的目标。 例句 I prepared a list of personal goals for professional development for...

  • 关于个人成就感的名人名言

    20-03-12 Real success means creating a life of meaning through service that fulfills your reason for being here. -Oprah Winfrey I have seen business moguls achieve their ultimate goals but still live in frustration, worry, and fear. Whats preventing these su...

  • 个人所得税起征点提高至5000元

    18-08-31 Chinas top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday, raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3,500 to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人...

  • 奥黛丽·赫本的私人物品将在上海展出

    17-06-16 A collection of Audrey Hepburns personal items and props from her films will be showcased in Shanghai beginning June 17th, offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the legends personal and professional lives. 一些奥黛丽赫本的私人物品以及电影道具将...

  • 中国将对侵犯个人信息罪进行惩罚

    17-05-12 Chinas top court and prosecutor have jointly issued a judicial interpretation for personal information encroachment. 中国最高人民法院与检察院联合对侵犯个人信息做出了司法解释。 According to the rules, those who illegally obtain, sell or provide 500 p...

  • declare personal assets 申报个人财产

    13-12-11 Authorities at the Macao Special Administrative Region for the first time declared the personal assets of officials and other high-ranking public servants on Saturday in a move to further intensify its anti-graft efforts. 为了进一步加大反腐力度,澳...

  • 个人电子设备3D打印或将实现

    12-11-23 Scientists are developing new materials which could one day allow people to print out custom-designed personal electronics such as games controllers which perfectly fit their hand shape. The University of Warwick researchers have created a simple an...

  • 新发现有助医生评估个人皮肤癌患病几率

    10-06-03 As people head to the beach this summer, very few if any(若有的话) , really know how likely they are to develop skin cancer from their outdoor fun. That's about to change, thanks to a new discovery by an international team of scientists that makes...

  • 中国将实行领导干部个人财产报告制

    10-03-11 BEIJING - A senior Chinese lawmaker said on Wednesday that legislation requiring public officials to declare their personal assets is under consideration and seen as a move to prevent corruption and improve government transparency. 新华社消息,本周...