• 在学校学不到的道别俚语

    22-07-06 1. Peace (Out) 几年前这种道别方式很流行,现在在某些圈子里仍然很常见。在这里,Peace已经动词化(我要消失了。再见!),说的时候通常还伸出两根手指比V字型和平手势。它是有些半嘻哈的非正式告别方式,所以千万不要在商务会议中用哦。 2. Im out of here Im ouda h...

  • keep away from somebody/something 退避三舍

    22-05-18 退避三舍,汉语成语,原指为了回避与对方的冲突,主动退让九十里(retreat about thirty miles as a condition for peace);常用于比喻退让和回避,避免冲突。可以翻译为give way to somebody to avoid a conflict; keep away from somebody/something等。 例句: 这...

  • a heaven of peace and happiness 世外桃源

    22-03-23 世外桃源,汉语成语,原指与现实社会隔绝、生活安乐的理想境界,表示a place that is extremely beautiful and where everything seems perfect, especially a place far away from modern life。后也指环境幽静生活安逸的地方,可以翻译为a heaven of peace and happi...

  • 努力 下

    22-02-22 5、strive vi.奋斗;努力;力求;斗争 英语释义:to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties 再看一下常见搭配: strive for奋斗 strive with同...作斗争... strive against反抗 strive to争...

  • a contented mind is a perpetual feast 知足常乐

    22-01-22 有人说,幸福是一种感觉,不知足永不会幸福,因此要学会知足常乐。 知足常乐,汉语成语,意思是知道满足,就总是快乐(A man who is contented will be happy),形容对已经取得的成就感到满足并取得快乐。与英文谚语a contented mind is a perpetual feast意思相近,...

  • make it up 言归于好

    21-12-17 言归于好,汉语成语,意思是指彼此重新和好如初,同重归于好。可以翻译为make it up(with somebody),become reconciled(with somebody)或heal the wounds/breach等。 例句: 你同妻子言归于好了吗? Have you made your peace with your wife? 我愿意与她重归于好...

  • mediator 和事佬

    21-11-15 面对纠纷时,很多人或许都在无意间扮演或充当过一个角色和事老。 和事老,也写作和事佬,字面意思是调停争端的人(mediator, someone who tries to bring peace)。和事指平息事件或争端、调节纷争(mediate, make peace),佬表示成年男子(guy, fellow)。 和事老通...

  • to horse around 闹着玩儿

    21-08-30 To horse around 意思是闹着玩儿,嬉戏玩耍。 例句 During the school holidays there was no peace in the house. Johnny and Annie horsed around all day, every day. I was horsing around with some friends in the library - we got told to leave. 请注意 短语...

  • peace sign 剪刀手

    21-05-28 剪刀手的英文表达是:Peace sign或者Victory sign都可以。 例句: It is said that a peace sign will give away your finger prints. 据说剪刀手会泄露指纹信息。 比心用英语怎么说? 比心也是我们拍照常见的一种Pose。比心的英文表达是:Finger heart(用食指和拇指...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 19

    21-01-24 WHEN it was all over, the long journey home, the quiet funeral, the first sad excitement, then came the bitter moment when life says to the bereaved: Take up your burden and go on alone. Christies had been the still, tearless grief hardest to bear,...