10-07-06 Food presented in a virtual reality ( VR虚拟现实 ) environment causes the same emotional responses as real food. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access(开放存取,开架阅读) journal Annals of General Psychiatry compared the responses of...
10-06-28 There are major deficiencies in the way hospitals provide artificial nutrition to sick babies and adults, an inquiry has found. 一项调查发现,医院向生病的婴儿和成年人提供人工营养的方式有很多缺陷。 Artificial feeding is for those who cannot absorb fo...
10-06-14 Trauma(外伤,创伤) patients without insurance are more likely to die of their injuries from auto accidents and gunshot wounds than privately insured patients with similar injuries, according to findings of an analysis of 193,804 patients from 649...
10-05-28 A state-of-the-art heart pump recently approved for use in end-stage cardiac(心脏的) patients has a significantly lower risk for infection than an earlier model of the device, according to researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Known as a...
10-05-27 Researchers in Germany have used a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI核磁共振成像 ) technique called continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) to map cerebral(大脑的) blood flow patterns in schizophrenic(精神分裂症的) patients quickly and without u...
10-05-05 New treatments for intestinal(肠的) failure and other intestinal absorption disorders are a step closer to the patients who need them after a discovery in Kelly Tappenden's University of Illinois laboratory. There are so few therapies for persons...
10-03-18 Greater use of hypnotherapy to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would help sufferers and might save money, says a gastroenterologist. 一位胃肠病学家称,对肠道易激综合症患者更多地使用催眠疗法可帮助他们减轻痛苦并可省下一笔医疗费。 Irritab...
10-02-21 Natural progesterone, the sex hormone used in the first contraceptive pills, is to be tested on patients with severe head injuries. 天然黄体酮,首批避孕药中使用的性激素,被用于治疗有严重脑损伤病人的临床试验中。 Progesterone protects neurons in the b...
10-02-03 About one-third of doctors and their patients with diabetes糖尿病 do not see eye to eye四目相对,心有灵犀 on the most important health conditions to manage, according to a survey by the University of Michigan Medical School. While both groups freque...
09-11-02 A strain of MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌) that causes bloodstream infections is five times more lethal than other strains and has shown to have some resistance to the potent antibiotic drug vancomycin(万古霉素) used to treat MRSA, according to...