• Transit Elevated Bus 快速高架公交

    16-05-31 Called a Transit Elevated Bus , it looks like a giant double-decker but is hollow on the ground floor. Passengers can sit on the top floor while cars move below. 这种公交车叫做快速高架公交,外形像一辆巨型的双层公交车,但是这款公交的底层是镂空的,乘...

  • 荷兰一列客运列车脱轨 1人死亡

    16-02-24 A passenger train derailed on Tuesday outside the town of Dalfsen, northeast The Netherlands, killing one person and injuring 10 others, local emergency services said. 当地紧急救援部门透露,周二荷兰东北部达尔夫森镇外一列客运列车脱轨,造成1人死亡,10...

  • 不要在拥挤的地铁车厢内做的事情

    16-02-05 1. Starting to get on the tube while passengers are still getting off 2. Not moving down the aisle 3. Pole-hogging 4. Using leaky headphones 5. Not being prepared at the ticket barrier 6. 'Manspreading' 7. Obstinately keeping your rucksack on 8. Not...

  • 北京将建世界最大机场

    15-11-19 Beijing's new airport, planned for the city's Daxing District, will be completed by 2040, reported by the Beijing times on Thursday. 《新京报》周四报道,计划建于北京大兴区的新机场将于2040年竣工。 The new airport was designed by Iraq-born British arc...

  • 日本新干线动车发生乘客自焚事件

    15-07-01 Two passengers on a Japanese Shinkansen bullet train died after one doused himself in oil and set himself ablaze on Tuesday. 周二,日本一列新干线动车上,一位乘客将身体浸上燃油并自焚,导致包括他在内的两名乘客死亡。 37-year-old businessman Akira Takam...

  • 英国机场安装香氛地球仪 提升旅客体验

    14-11-16 Fragrances, apparently, help create some of the best memories we take home from our vacations. 旅途中的那些气味,似乎总能为我们创造一些最美好的回忆。 With this in mind, the UK's Heathrow Airport has installed a Scent Globe to try to cheer up departi...

  • 20%的美国乘客对性骚扰感觉不安全

    14-05-16 One in five passengers on Metro trains and buses have recently felt unsafe due to sexual harassment or other forms of unwanted sexual attention, according to new data. 最新调查表明,大约20%的地铁和公交乘客表示因为性骚扰和其它讨厌的性关注感觉不安全。...

  • 韩国沉船船长过失杀人罪被起诉

    14-05-15 The captain of the sunken South Korean ferry has been charged with manslaughter, reports say. 韩国世越号沉船船长因过失杀人罪被起诉。 Lee Joon-seok, 68, is accused of leaving the ship as it was sinking while telling passengers to stay put, reports Yo...

  • 交通工具中设儿童专区引争议

    12-09-29 亚航决定从明年2月起在飞机经济舱中开设安静区,只有12岁及以上的乘客才可在该区域就坐,无需额外支付费用。对于那些没有孩子以及容易被打扰的旅客来说,这无疑是个好消息。不过很多有孩子的家长则对此表示不满,称这样与其他乘客隔离开来,感觉自己像二等公民。 At 35...

  • 希思罗机场“后门”服务引起争议

    12-05-13 Wealthy travellers can pay 1,800 to jump long immigration queues at Heathrow airport. 希思罗机场的后门服务近日引起争议。只要花上1800英镑,富有的乘客就可以不用排队,直接接受入境服务。 Limo service: A video on Heathrow\s website shows the VIP treatmen...